MrsCop wrote:I have such a hard time with this issue because I see both sides. When I first watched the vid, I actually did a big ol' GASP thing, like a reflex or something when he dropped. Hard to watch. On the other hand.. let's just say if a man raped my daughter, I'd be hard-pressed to skip the trial thing and would most likely be found out of my head, nails & hammer in hand, building a wooden gallow on the courthouse lawn.
To tell you the truth I don't understand why people in his country would get upset and angry about his death. Yes, he was there leader, but what did he do for them? He murdered his people, raped his people, he took from them what little they had and still wasn't satisfied. If he was still in power, more and more people would still be dying. And I bet that the same people who are complaining about us invading Iraq, would be complaining about us not doing anything and we would still look like the bad guy.
I'm not saying I completely agree with Bush, but I do think that either way something would have had to be done. Sudam was a power hungry evil man, who did need to be taken from power and I can't understand why people in Iraq can't see that. I'm sure they didn't like being killed at random.
I guess it's like someone in an abusive realationship, they know the person is bad, but they still keep going back to them. The same with Iraqian people. They know Sadam was bad, but they keep wanting to go back.
The Truth: There is always two sides to every story.
The Task: Listening to those stories.