Saddam Hussein was HANGED...

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Post by kristenjane »

gogo wrote:Aww...I found the last title refreshing in light of such a grave subject. But good for you for figuring out how to do it.

I was a bit intrigued by the idea of watching one of the Saddam videos, but I knew I would never really do it. I just don't have the stomach or heart for it. (I have to turn away from the surgery scenes when I watch Nip/Tuck and when my husband wants to watch a graphic horror movie, I usually start a new hobby or something so I don't have to be so involved as I watch.)

intriguing but definitely couldn't do it.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

damn, ten pages? @.@

Why are we still talking about this? This had been planned for over a month.
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Post by AutoPilate »

I'm just waiting for Bush's turn.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

AutoPilate wrote:I'm just waiting for Bush's turn.
hehehe =D
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by Killthesmiley »

AutoPilate wrote:I'm just waiting for Bush's turn.



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Post by nobackspacebutton »

What ever happened to that girl BA?

BA Tells Lies.

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Post by EternalGoddess »

MrsCop wrote:I have such a hard time with this issue because I see both sides. When I first watched the vid, I actually did a big ol' GASP thing, like a reflex or something when he dropped. Hard to watch. On the other hand.. let's just say if a man raped my daughter, I'd be hard-pressed to skip the trial thing and would most likely be found out of my head, nails & hammer in hand, building a wooden gallow on the courthouse lawn.

To tell you the truth I don't understand why people in his country would get upset and angry about his death. Yes, he was there leader, but what did he do for them? He murdered his people, raped his people, he took from them what little they had and still wasn't satisfied. If he was still in power, more and more people would still be dying. And I bet that the same people who are complaining about us invading Iraq, would be complaining about us not doing anything and we would still look like the bad guy.

I'm not saying I completely agree with Bush, but I do think that either way something would have had to be done. Sudam was a power hungry evil man, who did need to be taken from power and I can't understand why people in Iraq can't see that. I'm sure they didn't like being killed at random.

I guess it's like someone in an abusive realationship, they know the person is bad, but they still keep going back to them. The same with Iraqian people. They know Sadam was bad, but they keep wanting to go back.
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Post by blahblablee »

I know what to think

he was HUNG not hanged HUNG

HUNGHUNGHUNGHUNGHUNG ahhh it drives me insane
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Post by Killthesmiley »

eternal, a lot of the newer generation liked saddam because he did a lot for the people...after the genocide. a lot of good things for taxes, for the poor, for health care. He was a good a good president....he jsut needed to get a few people out of the way before he was. And that is unfortunately for him, what everyone else in the world hated him for.
Did you know at the time of his execution, his approval rating in his own country was high the Geoge Bush's?
kind of a neat tidbit.

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Post by EternalGoddess »

Killthesmiley wrote:eternal, a lot of the newer generation liked saddam because he did a lot for the people...after the genocide. a lot of good things for taxes, for the poor, for health care. He was a good a good president....he jsut needed to get a few people out of the way before he was. And that is unfortunately for him, what everyone else in the world hated him for.
Did you know at the time of his execution, his approval rating in his own country was high the Geoge Bush's?
kind of a neat tidbit.
Higher than Bush? Hah! Not THAT'S interesting. I think if he planned on doing good things for the people he shouldn't have acted like such a phsyco, because that only tarnished his name and placed a label on him. I guess that's his mistake then.

Oh yeah, what's this about the trial not being fair? How wasn't it fair? (Sorry I wasn't keeping up with the trial)
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Post by Kasdeja »

To matter how big hearted I doesn't matter how much good someone has done if their resume consists of genocide. Hitler could have lived on to become a great samaritan...but that doesn't erase his deeds. I hate to bring the cliched Hitler in on this, but ya know...genocidal dictor...

That being said, I do not agree with the death penalty.
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Post by EternalGoddess »

Yeah, it doesn't erase what he did. Making better taxes doesn't make up for all of the people he killed.

But anyways, like my previous question, what made the trial not fair?
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Post by AutoPilate »

EternalGoddess wrote:But anyways, like my previous question, what made the trial not fair?
You mean things like:

A complete lack of familiarity with international criminal law on the part of all Iraqi lawyers and judges involved in the trial;

Chaotic and inadequate administration which has given rise to major problems in performing basic administrative tasks necessary for a trial of this magnitude to run fairly;

Such extensive use of anonymous witnesses that the defendants did not get right to contest the evidence against them;

Government actions that undermined the independence and perceived impartiality of the court;

Lapses of judicial demeanor that undermined the apparent impartiality of the presiding judge;

A failure to ensure adequately detailed notice of the charges against the defendants?
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Post by Kasdeja »

He should have been tried by a world court...perhaps would have helped with the fairness.
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Post by EternalGoddess »

They didn't try to let him defend himself? Are you serious? I know he commited terrible crimes, but not letting him try to defend himself IS unfair.
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