I don't know, i don't really think it's schizophrenia, if it were, this whole show could just be one big episode of schizophrenia. The three main characteristics of shizophrenia are: disorganized thinking, hallucinations and delusions.Lurker wrote:That first part could possibly be classified as schizophrenia (I say only possibly because we don't know if Bree truly believed that the stuffed toys were alive or talking to her; schizophrenia entails believing you detect things that aren't actually happening). If she was only consciously pretending very hard, then it wasn't schizophrenia. I've gotten the impression from later videos that it was only her pretending in an attempt to distance herself from reality.Slainte wrote:While on the run, Bree became increasingly bitchy, and began to display some very clear symptoms of Schizophrenia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia) - taking her P-Monkey to the movies, putting a band-aid on Owen and - OMG- talking to and nuzzling that god-damned monkey in the park...her anger and frustration seemed to peek in the garage when DB said he was done and was leaving ...
next vid:
now we see her almost giddy, gleeful, talking freely about things - things she has never spoken about before -and chasing leads on the phone...talking openly about Cassie who in some peoples opinion is really just Bree's alter ego schizophrenia? again like in the park talking to P.Monkey
That second part, though, wouldn't be a sign of schizophrenia at all, I think. Bipolar disorder maybe (going from periods of elation to periods of depression; there's a whole lot of different manifestations of this condition, with different lengths of elated/depressed time for pretty much each individual; something like pretending the toys are real in order to distance oneself from reality during a depressed period could certainly happen), but certainly not schizophrenia.
However, if Cassie really doesn't exist, one could possibly make the case that she's schizophrenic, but I don't think it would make sense that it would be the only time Bree thought she saw something that didn't actually happen. More than likely, if Cassie doesn't exist it's confabulation and not schizophrenia.
Disorganized thinking means the person makes strange associations in thinking. The persons uses unexisting words and the arguments he or she makes are inconsistent.
Delusions can take many forms, one of them is paranoïa. This could be linked to the story, about half of the episodes is about being followed.
Hallucinations is seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling things that aren't really there. Now i don't know about that one, but Bree is not the only one who sees the watcher. So do we, but then we could just be seeing Bree's perspective, but so does Daniel.
The disorder in which someone has an alter-ego is called multiple personality disorder. In this it is possible someone has more than one self. This could be as many as 14 or more. Most of the time, the first self isn't aware of the seccond. It is possible the seccond does know of the first. I think if she would be suffering from this it would be more clearly. The person shifts from one personality to the other rather abrubtly.
If she does have a personality disorder I would also think about a Bipolar disorder. That would explain the mood swings. She could offcourse just have a need to escape. Who wouldn't if you had those kind of problems.