Some rogue pharmaceutical company is producing a new type of drug, and is testing it on Bree. The ceremony Bree was to perform was just a cover up - an excuse to inject with mysterious shots. The Order might not even exist.
That isn't to say that the Order of Denderah isn't real. There might be two parties working together - The Order, and whoever is making the drugs.
Whatever the case, I'm fairly certain this has more to do with drugs than with some scandalous ceremony.
OH! I just remembered something else! When Daniel broke into Lucy's apartment, his camera recorded a poster on the wall of a girl drinking some strange brew. It was called "Absinthe Robette." I just looked over the posts for that vid, #82, and the one hundred thirty-fouth post by "Shoudbestudying" stated:
You may have heard of the alcoholic drink “absinthe” a green colored beverage that is now illegal in most countries. And rightfully so as it has been said that the painter Vincent van Gogh was imbibing of absinthe when he lopped off his ear to send to a woman.
Lucy is connected to some sort of drug manufacturing/shipping company, and was keeping an eye on Bree. Her fascination with illicit substances is evidenced by the poster in her room. This all further supports the drug angle.
Here's more info on absinthe from post #175, by Haley:
And absinthe… is illegal for purchase in the United States (or at least that’s the way I read the law… it’s posted at the end of this comment.) If you’ve ever seen Moulin Rouge, the Green Fairy is what absinthe is commonly refered to as- and maybe that gives everyone who has never tried it a general idea as to what it does to your mind.
Here’s the law:
According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, “The importation of Absinthe and any other liquors or liqueurs that contain Artemisia absinthium is prohibited.”[25] This runs contrary to FDA regulations, which allow Artemisia species in foods or beverages, but those that contain Artemisia species, white cedar, oak moss, tansy or Yarrow, must be thujone free.[26] Other herbs that contain thujone have no restrictions. For example, sage and sage oil (which can be almost 50% thujone[20]) are on the FDA’s list of substances generally recognized as safe.[27]
The prevailing consensus of interpretation of United States law and regulations among American absinthe connoisseurs is that it is probably legal to purchase such a product for personal use in the U.S. It is illegal to sell items meant for human consumption which contain thujone derived from Artemisia species. (This derives from an Food and Drug Administration regulation, as opposed to a DEA regulation.) Customs regulations specifically forbid the importation of “absinthe”. Absinthe can be and occasionally is seized by United States Customs if it appears to be for human consumption and can be seized inside the U.S. with a warrant.[28][29]
A faux-absinthe liquor called Absente, made with southern wormwood (Artemisia abrotanum) instead of regular wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), is sold legally in the United States and does not contain thujone.
What do you all think? Am I right? Or am I full of it? Can any of you supply some pictures of the poster? I also noticed that when Daniel recently was at Bree's house, he shot an image of another drug called "celebrex." Can some bring up that image? I'd do it, but I'm not really good at this computer stuff

PS: I know that celebrex and epogen are real drugs. I'm starting to wonder whether or not Bree was being injected with something else disguised as epogen. I'm more than certain, though, that everything leads back to the drugs somehow.