I've Figured it Out - Drug Theory

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Post by Eekhoorn »

Lurker wrote:
Slainte wrote:
While on the run, Bree became increasingly bitchy, and began to display some very clear symptoms of Schizophrenia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia) - taking her P-Monkey to the movies, putting a band-aid on Owen and - OMG- talking to and nuzzling that god-damned monkey in the park...her anger and frustration seemed to peek in the garage when DB said he was done and was leaving ...


next vid:
now we see her almost giddy, gleeful, talking freely about things - things she has never spoken about before -and chasing leads on the phone...talking openly about Cassie who in some peoples opinion is really just Bree's alter ego schizophrenia? again like in the park talking to P.Monkey
That first part could possibly be classified as schizophrenia (I say only possibly because we don't know if Bree truly believed that the stuffed toys were alive or talking to her; schizophrenia entails believing you detect things that aren't actually happening). If she was only consciously pretending very hard, then it wasn't schizophrenia. I've gotten the impression from later videos that it was only her pretending in an attempt to distance herself from reality.

That second part, though, wouldn't be a sign of schizophrenia at all, I think. Bipolar disorder maybe (going from periods of elation to periods of depression; there's a whole lot of different manifestations of this condition, with different lengths of elated/depressed time for pretty much each individual; something like pretending the toys are real in order to distance oneself from reality during a depressed period could certainly happen), but certainly not schizophrenia.

However, if Cassie really doesn't exist, one could possibly make the case that she's schizophrenic, but I don't think it would make sense that it would be the only time Bree thought she saw something that didn't actually happen. More than likely, if Cassie doesn't exist it's confabulation and not schizophrenia.
I don't know, i don't really think it's schizophrenia, if it were, this whole show could just be one big episode of schizophrenia. The three main characteristics of shizophrenia are: disorganized thinking, hallucinations and delusions.

Disorganized thinking means the person makes strange associations in thinking. The persons uses unexisting words and the arguments he or she makes are inconsistent.

Delusions can take many forms, one of them is paranoïa. This could be linked to the story, about half of the episodes is about being followed.

Hallucinations is seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling things that aren't really there. Now i don't know about that one, but Bree is not the only one who sees the watcher. So do we, but then we could just be seeing Bree's perspective, but so does Daniel.

The disorder in which someone has an alter-ego is called multiple personality disorder. In this it is possible someone has more than one self. This could be as many as 14 or more. Most of the time, the first self isn't aware of the seccond. It is possible the seccond does know of the first. I think if she would be suffering from this it would be more clearly. The person shifts from one personality to the other rather abrubtly.

If she does have a personality disorder I would also think about a Bipolar disorder. That would explain the mood swings. She could offcourse just have a need to escape. Who wouldn't if you had those kind of problems.
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Post by Beckers »

There is an episode of Buffy the Vampire slayer where Buffy starts having these delusions of her being in a hospital.
It goes back and forth between what her life is like as a slayer to her being in a hospital with schizophrenia where they threw in the idea that the whole show was a schizophrenic episode. :shock:
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Post by Eekhoorn »

You never know, but that would imply that daniel isn't real either, so who would upload his video's then?
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Post by Beckers »

I don't actually believe that is what is going on with the LG15 story.
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Post by Eekhoorn »

I know, neither do I, I would be really disappointed if it were. I don't even think Bree has a disorder.
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Post by Beckers »

Eekhoorn wrote:I know, neither do I, I would be really disappointed if it were. I don't even think Bree has a disorder.
very disappointing
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I love crazy characters. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is my favorite movie ever. And A Beautiful Mind. And I love reading books about crazy people too. I Never Promised You A Rose Garden is SOO good.
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Post by Slainte »

Schizophrenia is just one theory, given the presence of the drugs, Bree's wild behavior and that spooky chic Cassie there could be any number of alternatives
Maybe they aren't the same person, maybe it is somethng way more bizarre than that - an insane twin? or a genetic experiment gone horribly wrong (as in a bad cloning), if it is a mental disorder it is probably not inherent but brought on by the Order and its "tinkering".

(There was a time when they locked "Crazy Aunt Lily" in the closet - or basement and checked onher once in a while, especially when she was sleeping)

There are some other "clues" to this in the "Swimming" episode but I think the authors have spun around so many times that old clues may be of little value. If they did have a storyboard in the beginning it must be a doorstop by now.
P.S. Lurker and Eekhoorn, you apppear to have quite a thorough understanding of psychopharmaceuticals and mental disorders....hmmmmmmm?
Last edited by Slainte on Sat Dec 23, 2006 6:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Post by Lurker »

Slainte wrote:P.S. Lurker, you apppear to have quite an understanding of psychopharmaceuticals and mental disorders....hmmmmmmm?
Personal experience only. As I've promised you before, I'm not a plant.
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Post by Eekhoorn »

Slainte wrote:Schizophrenia is just one theory, given the presence of the drugs, Bree's wild behavior and that spooky chic Cassie there could be any number of alternatives
Maybe they aren't the same person, maybe it is somethng way more bizarre than that - an insane twin? or a genetic experiment gone horribly wrong (as in a bad cloning), if it is a mental disorder it is probably not inherent but brought on by the Order and its "tinkering".

(There was a time when they locked "Crazy Aunt Lily" in the closet - or basement and checked onher once in a while, especially when she was sleeping)

There are some other "clues" to this in the "Swimming" episode but I think the authors have spun around so many times that old clues may be of little value. If they did have a storyboard in the beginning it must be a doorstop by now.
P.S. Lurker and Eekhoorn, you apppear to have quite a thorough understanding of psychopharmaceuticals and mental disorders....hmmmmmmm?
I study child psychology in university. Psychology is one of my main subjects. I looked in one of my readers from the first year in which some disorders are explained, schizophrenia beeing one of them.
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Post by gogo »

People have come up with some neat and interesting connections with the medications, blood and Bree’s psyche, so far. Connections are cool.

Certainly, as one of the writers/directors of this series was a practicing doctor, the drugs point to some devious plan affecting Bree. However, I am not sure if I have seen enough of the symptoms of schizophrenia or other major psychological diagnoses to say that these major conditions affect Bree. (But I am no doctor or anything.) I’m not going with the impregnation theories, not that it is the focus of this thread at all, but I don’t think forced sexual relations will be a part of this story. Just sayin’.

Remember the religious stuff? Folks speculated, made connections, came up with solutions and proposed answers; some mischaracterized certain religions, some defended certain religions; some became locked in religious battles and as it turned out, the religion was not a religion after all. I’m sure, in this case, the writers don’t want to be besieged by people claiming that they are disrespectful of some medical condition like schizophrenia. As far as her psychological condition goes, I anticipate if she is affected by any psychological condition at all, it will be something rare, obscure (or even temporary).

It seems like whatever Bree “has” or however the drugs and shots have affected her or will affect her has to do with blood. I suspect that Bree’s blood is useful in some way and the shots were to be sure her body could consistently produce enough “clean” blood. I suppose with a writer possessing a medical background, the lg15 team could create a situation using the medications mentioned so far that a layperson, like me, could never figure out.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Okay, I've studied psychology too, and while I'm no doctor, I don't really think Bree has something quite as serious as schitzophrenia. My understanding is that the drugs have been given to her inappropriately, thus we cannot determine her need for them based on typical medical uses. Lucy took her to some kind of doctor place once, remember? Didn't someone go look at what was there and find psychiatric therapy type things? Perhaps the Order has power in medical and psychiatric fields as well as the police force and government. However, I still doubt that Bree really has a serious mental illness. If Cassie is an imaginary friend, I think it is just a defense mechanism. But I think Cassie really exists, personally.

I do agree with the theory that the Order has influence in scientific and medical fields.
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Re: I've Figured it Out - Drug Theory

Post by annie »

A_Gray_Phantom wrote:It was a dodge, a red herring. This was never about Bree's religion - they only wanted us to think that. Well, at least I have some idea as to what is going on...

Some rogue pharmaceutical company is producing a new type of drug, and is testing it on Bree. The ceremony Bree was to perform was just a cover up - an excuse to inject with mysterious shots. The Order might not even exist.

That isn't to say that the Order of Denderah isn't real. There might be two parties working together - The Order, and whoever is making the drugs.
I just saw your post... and I agree that it looks like her Dad might have been using his darling daughter as a guinea pig.

At the Epogen thread, I posted this link:

Remember how Bree said that her father researched "ribozymes" in "Skateboarding"?
Ribozymes -> RNA... this is far fetched but I'm wondering if he was working for companies that are geared toward cloning humans.

Perhaps the Order wants to clone members, and/or is working on a sort of super race ~ not racist/nazi oriented, but as a way to have well-programmed plants everywhere and establish world dominance. *cue Twighlight Zone music here*
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Post by livelongandprosper77 »

Perhaps the Order wants to clone members, and/or is working on a sort of super race ~ not racist/nazi oriented, but as a way to have well-programmed plants everywhere and establish world dominance. *cue Twighlight Zone music here*
Holy cow this is getting deep man! Wouldn't that be something else if it were true :shock:
LLP is in the house fo rizzle.

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Post by annie »

livelongandprosper77 wrote:
Perhaps the Order wants to clone members, and/or is working on a sort of super race ~ not racist/nazi oriented, but as a way to have well-programmed plants everywhere and establish world dominance. *cue Twighlight Zone music here*
Holy cow this is getting deep man! Wouldn't that be something else if it were true :shock:
Yeah! Can you imagine a whole town of little Bree clones walking around?! That would be adorable and charming... but creepy!
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