fsk282 wrote: in the video do you guys think it is significant that jonas and bree are both wearing all black shirts and daniel is wearing white? i don't know what this means, because in "miss me" daniel is the only one wearing white and everyone in the order is wearing black. and i think daniel drove away with them too, because the arm when they are driving away is just like bright white. maybe that is his signature color.
OK, that's just too "out there" for me. I say the reason Daniel is wearing white is that he LOOKS GOOD IN WHITE! Not everything has to have hidden meaning.
I missed the "Bree" shout from Daniel, too. Glad somebody was able to pick that up.
My guess for who drove the car is Jonas. I think the chloroform scene was faked. Jonas' arm is seen leaving the picture at just the right angle for him to be wielding the knockout cloth. As the cloth moves, so does his shoulder.
As for Daniel being the bad guy, just review the videos. With the one exception of him in OpAphid, he has been kind, gentle, loyal, friendly, sweet... You know, all the things the guys with the white hats are. You have to really cross your eyes big time to see him as a villain IMHO.
And as for the time he was in OpAphid, did you notice his speech pattern? There was absolutely no way that he could have been saying that without coaching. He sounds just like a caricature of a teenage boy as seen by an old fart like me.