DB playin on the wrong team??

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DB playin on the wrong team??

Post by exanimatebylove »

Don't hate me for suggesting this...please?? [-o<

Maybe DB is a bad guy!! :shock: This video was just creepy and eerie and it really freaked me out and made me kinda wonder if DB is a bad guy and has maybe always been. Going back to when he first met Bree.

Her parents chose Daniel to be her "watcher" in school and make sure she didn't make friends with any real normal kids, when her parents "disapperaed" they sent her to Daniels side. Daniel didn't want Bree to go stay with Jonas because he knew Jonas wasn't bad. Daniel left the house that one night to go bowling KNOWING he would be caputred and Bree would have to come rescue him. But he didn't know Tachy would be coming with her. It's just a stupid theory. I'm sure I'm wrong it's just I'm so enthralled with this show every possible theory comes to my mind.
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Post by thelogicpuzzler »

I honestly don't want to believe that DB is bad. He does act suspicious though. In the video "Subject Apprehended", Daniel wasn't videotaped as being "caught". Yeah, he's looking around as if he's making sure the Order isn't there, but it can also mean he was waiting for the Order to come in. I don't know. I think I'm just getting tired of having bad guys pop out from what we once trusted. I don't like questioning the loyalty of the characters.
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Post by Watts »

I think Daniel is the one who got into the car and drove it off in the last scene.

Re: DB playin on the wrong team??

Post by Lurker »

exanimatebylove wrote:Her parents chose Daniel to be her "watcher" in school and make sure she didn't make friends with any real normal kids, when her parents "disapperaed" they sent her to Daniels side.
According to Bree, she wasn't making friends because the other kids just didn't like her. They ignored her in the cafeteria and made fun of her for asking questions in her science class.

Also, Daniel was the one who was inviting Bree to parties and trying to get her to hang out with him and Paul and Andrea. It seems to me like he wanted her to talk to more people.
exanimatebylove wrote:Daniel didn't want Bree to go stay with Jonas because he knew Jonas wasn't bad. Daniel left the house that one night to go bowling KNOWING he would be caputred and Bree would have to come rescue him. But he didn't know Tachy would be coming with her. It's just a stupid theory. I'm sure I'm wrong it's just I'm so enthralled with this show every possible theory comes to my mind.
If Daniel wanted to force Bree into the Order's custody, he could have done it a long time ago, though. He had her alone with him and dependent on him for a long time.

I really don't think Daniel's a bad guy. He might be brainwashed right now, but that still wouldn't make him a bad guy. He'll be a prisoner/victim too in that case.

Daniel's the only person I've been completely confident in throughout the whole thing (I've not even trusted Bree plenty of times). Well, him and Nikki B.
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Post by dorami »

let's not forget that he could be the "protect" in op aphid

nah...... however enticing that option may seem.. let's not forget...
it doesn't make sense!! if daniel were bad from the start...

he could've easily chloroformed bree and jonas and handed them over way back when.

so.. perhaps if he's playing on the wrong side.. i'd say it's post-brainwashing/capture

and not right from beginning
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Re: DB playin on the wrong team??

Post by mellie3204 »

exanimatebylove wrote:Don't hate me for suggesting this...please?? [-o<

Maybe DB is a bad guy!! :shock: This video was just creepy and eerie and it really freaked me out and made me kinda wonder if DB is a bad guy and has maybe always been. Going back to when he first met Bree.

Her parents chose Daniel to be her "watcher" in school and make sure she didn't make friends with any real normal kids, when her parents "disapperaed" they sent her to Daniels side. Daniel didn't want Bree to go stay with Jonas because he knew Jonas wasn't bad. Daniel left the house that one night to go bowling KNOWING he would be caputred and Bree would have to come rescue him. But he didn't know Tachy would be coming with her. It's just a stupid theory. I'm sure I'm wrong it's just I'm so enthralled with this show every possible theory comes to my mind.
Out of the three of them, I'd have to say I've been suspicious of daniel from the start too. Like when he 'left' bree to go back home, and 'discovered' he was being filmed, supporting the idea not to go back hoe for help and keeping her isolated and on the run. And their room being ransacked, did Daniel have the opportunity?

Probably nto to all of the above, but I do think the paronia is getting to me!! 8-[

*edited for spelling and to say HEY, FINALLY OFF CASUAL OBSERVER TO LONLEYFAN, YAY! And I've only been here since 07/10/06 :smt016 *
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Post by RoseCrowley »

I had the same feelng it was DB driving off in the car...they did not follow the cardnol rule, when in danger you don't go anywhere alone! It's like that in all the scary movies....I hope they aren't doomed....come on Tachy!!!
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Post by Libra »

Am I just imagining the part of the video where the camera moves towards Daniel and he screams BREE??? The voice is not as clear as Bree yelling for Jonas, but I swear its there. He he definately the first to be apprehended.
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Post by longlostposter »

Libra wrote:Am I just imagining the part of the video where the camera moves towards Daniel and he screams BREE??? The voice is not as clear as Bree yelling for Jonas, but I swear its there. He he definately the first to be apprehended.
I hear it, Libra, and I'm now convinced Daniel wasn't in on it. Thanks.

Not only was he not in on it, he was trying to protect Bree even though he was in trouble.

I am confident of my sweetie again.

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Post by Libra »

longlostposter wrote:
I am confident of my sweetie again.

*begins to sob tears of joy*
I don't know how you could have doubted him!! [-X

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Post by Ravensnow27 »

Watts wrote:I think Daniel is the one who got into the car and drove it off in the last scene.
I thought that too...for about a minute, I've been leery of DB since he got kidnapped. But what if he IS working for the order but has feelings for Bree and doesn't want to see her hurt.
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Post by jonasrawks »

Watts wrote:I think Daniel is the one who got into the car and drove it off in the last scene.
thats what i thought too.
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Post by fsk282 »

i posted this in the video forum, so sorry if you read it in there, but everything is getting buried after like 10 seconds right now and no one wants to read 38 pages of that thread.

but in the video do you guys think it is significant that jonas and bree are both wearing all black shirts and daniel is wearing white? i don't know what this means, because in "miss me" daniel is the only one wearing white and everyone in the order is wearing black. and i think daniel drove away with them too, because the arm when they are driving away is just like bright white. maybe that is his signature color.

i'm going to stop acting like i know what i'm talking about, lol.
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Post by giddeanx »

Here is a question.

If this is a video from order to order why would they have to fake or not show anything?

They could have easily shown Danny boy taking out Bree. Who cares because the order would have already known he was bad.

They wouldn't have to make Jonas fake anything. They would have known he was bad.

This is interoffice communication. No need to hide anything.

This video should actually be proof that these two are playing on the Bree team.
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Paranoics Unite!

Post by mincartaugh »

fsk282 wrote: in the video do you guys think it is significant that jonas and bree are both wearing all black shirts and daniel is wearing white? i don't know what this means, because in "miss me" daniel is the only one wearing white and everyone in the order is wearing black. and i think daniel drove away with them too, because the arm when they are driving away is just like bright white. maybe that is his signature color.
OK, that's just too "out there" for me. I say the reason Daniel is wearing white is that he LOOKS GOOD IN WHITE! Not everything has to have hidden meaning.

I missed the "Bree" shout from Daniel, too. Glad somebody was able to pick that up.

My guess for who drove the car is Jonas. I think the chloroform scene was faked. Jonas' arm is seen leaving the picture at just the right angle for him to be wielding the knockout cloth. As the cloth moves, so does his shoulder.

As for Daniel being the bad guy, just review the videos. With the one exception of him in OpAphid, he has been kind, gentle, loyal, friendly, sweet... You know, all the things the guys with the white hats are. You have to really cross your eyes big time to see him as a villain IMHO.

And as for the time he was in OpAphid, did you notice his speech pattern? There was absolutely no way that he could have been saying that without coaching. He sounds just like a caricature of a teenage boy as seen by an old fart like me.

Last edited by mincartaugh on Tue Mar 27, 2007 6:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
quick! someone get the ajax and steel wool; I have mental images to scrub out!!
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