Mostly because GLORY HALLELUJAH! Tachyon is awesome. It's easy to go all squeally over the awesomeness that is her. I'll risk looking like a hypocrate to say that placating me with tachyon fanservice is easy as one, two, three.
I'd just been saying I was sick of Bree the Doe-eyed and Passive being the only female character in the series and that Tachyon, a girl who is all action, was overdue for some kick-a$$ screentime. I love it when I'm right.

Speaking of one, two, three, I have three things to cheer about.
First of which being the obvious:
Tachyon and Brother. They've always been more abstract ideas (sources of cyphers and such) then actual characters in thier own right. I'll be honest: I find tachyon's actual videos so opaque as to be unwatchable. How anyone got any plot out of them at all is beyond me.
Now the door is open for us to find out more about them via Bree and Co.'s dialog. We might not see them onscreen and it might even be a good thing we don't: for Tachyon especially, the mystery surrounding her is important to keep up, and making her faceless is an easy way to do that. Not to say the day we actually see
Brother we could see, I think: he's not in possession of a badass image, he's supposed to be the bumbler. Of course, us seeing him would nessessitate The Creators hiring another actor, which they might not have the cash to do right now. I already know they couldn't charter a helicopter like they ideally would have, so we could actually SEE Bree and the Boys daring arial escape rather then relying on stock helicopter sound effects.
I guess to that effect, they could make the cast as large as they want to just as long as they don't have to show anyone on camera.
Anyway, it was great to learn a bit about Tachyon's backstory from Bree. She provides a nice counterbalace to our main female lead, and Bree deciding she wants to be Tachyon when she grows up is kind of understandable. We ALL want to be tachyon when we grow up. Anyone who says they don't is lying.
Enough about that. On to the second thing I have to cheer about:
Bree actually DID SOMETHING!!!
....granted, that 'something' was sticking her neck out as the bait for tachyon's little trap, but still. After dozens of videos in which Bree does ABSOLUTLY NOTHING while complaining out awful her life is, following videos in which she did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING talking to her stuffed animals and ignoring her situation....
I'll take what I can get. Babysteps, right? Beggers can't be choosers. She did something. Thank goodness.
I hope the fact that she wants to be like tachyon now means we'll see her take more actual, you know... action in the future.
After a climax like this, the danger of a slump is tangible. Things are "back to normal" meaning nothing's gonna happen, which I hope means the characters will NOT return to playing foosball and sulking in the bathroom but rather actually THINKING about thier problems and maybe addressing some of the long-standing dangling plotpoints, like the fact that the Order knows where Jonas's house is (a given by this point), the alleged tracking device they never DID bother to dig out of that stuffed turtle, the Watchers and thier time-wasting...watching (what was the point of them anyway), the letter Bree's parents left, the epogen Bree was being given (Jonas mentioned it, but stopped short of actually speculating as to it's purpose, despite that WE know it could have meant the ceremony included either extreme physical activity or a blood sacrifice)....
Which brings me to the Third thing I'm cheering about:
Well, cheering in the "cross your fingers" kind of way:
It might be nieve of me to hope, but I am really, really hopeful that some Plot Point resolutions will be forthcoming, and we will FINALLY be allowed knee-deep into the mystery, as opposed to being teased with it and left with nothing to do but impotently speculate for we currently are.
This is what's called MOMENTUM, people. Use it or loose it.
And that's all from me.