Three Cheers!

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Three Cheers!

Post by DreamerM »

A very different topic from me this time!

Mostly because GLORY HALLELUJAH! Tachyon is awesome. It's easy to go all squeally over the awesomeness that is her. I'll risk looking like a hypocrate to say that placating me with tachyon fanservice is easy as one, two, three.

I'd just been saying I was sick of Bree the Doe-eyed and Passive being the only female character in the series and that Tachyon, a girl who is all action, was overdue for some kick-a$$ screentime. I love it when I'm right. 8)

Speaking of one, two, three, I have three things to cheer about.

First of which being the obvious:

Tachyon and Brother. They've always been more abstract ideas (sources of cyphers and such) then actual characters in thier own right. I'll be honest: I find tachyon's actual videos so opaque as to be unwatchable. How anyone got any plot out of them at all is beyond me.

Now the door is open for us to find out more about them via Bree and Co.'s dialog. We might not see them onscreen and it might even be a good thing we don't: for Tachyon especially, the mystery surrounding her is important to keep up, and making her faceless is an easy way to do that. Not to say the day we actually see

Brother we could see, I think: he's not in possession of a badass image, he's supposed to be the bumbler. Of course, us seeing him would nessessitate The Creators hiring another actor, which they might not have the cash to do right now. I already know they couldn't charter a helicopter like they ideally would have, so we could actually SEE Bree and the Boys daring arial escape rather then relying on stock helicopter sound effects.

I guess to that effect, they could make the cast as large as they want to just as long as they don't have to show anyone on camera.

Anyway, it was great to learn a bit about Tachyon's backstory from Bree. She provides a nice counterbalace to our main female lead, and Bree deciding she wants to be Tachyon when she grows up is kind of understandable. We ALL want to be tachyon when we grow up. Anyone who says they don't is lying.

Enough about that. On to the second thing I have to cheer about:

Bree actually DID SOMETHING!!!

....granted, that 'something' was sticking her neck out as the bait for tachyon's little trap, but still. After dozens of videos in which Bree does ABSOLUTLY NOTHING while complaining out awful her life is, following videos in which she did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING talking to her stuffed animals and ignoring her situation....

I'll take what I can get. Babysteps, right? Beggers can't be choosers. She did something. Thank goodness.

I hope the fact that she wants to be like tachyon now means we'll see her take more actual, you know... action in the future.

After a climax like this, the danger of a slump is tangible. Things are "back to normal" meaning nothing's gonna happen, which I hope means the characters will NOT return to playing foosball and sulking in the bathroom but rather actually THINKING about thier problems and maybe addressing some of the long-standing dangling plotpoints, like the fact that the Order knows where Jonas's house is (a given by this point), the alleged tracking device they never DID bother to dig out of that stuffed turtle, the Watchers and thier time-wasting...watching (what was the point of them anyway), the letter Bree's parents left, the epogen Bree was being given (Jonas mentioned it, but stopped short of actually speculating as to it's purpose, despite that WE know it could have meant the ceremony included either extreme physical activity or a blood sacrifice)....

Which brings me to the Third thing I'm cheering about:

Well, cheering in the "cross your fingers" kind of way:

It might be nieve of me to hope, but I am really, really hopeful that some Plot Point resolutions will be forthcoming, and we will FINALLY be allowed knee-deep into the mystery, as opposed to being teased with it and left with nothing to do but impotently speculate for we currently are.

This is what's called MOMENTUM, people. Use it or loose it.

And that's all from me.
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Post by longlostposter »

This will take the story to a much loftier place, guaranteed.
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Post by milowent »

dreamerm, this thread is kind of "what lg15 is no longer doing wrong", right? i think we are potentially seeing the birth of a long term sustainable plot here.
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Post by DreamerM »

Potentially, yes.

But in the end, once the furver over Tachyon and Brother's White Horse Charge dies down, how much has really changed?

We don't know what they did to daniel: He doesn't remember anything, suprise suprise. We had The Cowboy introduced for no real reason: what did that plotline teach us? What was the point of that interlude: simply to empasize that Bree and Jonas were willing to drive a long way looking for a lead chasing daniel?

What, really have we learned?

Yes, there is the potential for a long-term sustainable plot here and this could be a major turning point, simply because Bree seems finally motivated to do something. Bree, the girl who seems to go out of her way every other video to point out that she knows way more then she is telling. Sometimes I think she talks that way just to enforce in our minds that there is more TO know, so we'd better keep theorizing. As if there arn't already message boards full of evidence that we've learned that lesson.

Anyway, Bree knows more about everything then any other character in the show and since she won't tell us, we'll have to wait and let her show us. Actions speak louder then words: lets watch and see what Bree does now.

Again, momentum. Lets see it not wasted.
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Post by longlostposter »

Wow, that's kind of pessimistic. Please keep in mind the budget. See my thread "Trend?", please.
DreamerM wrote: We had The Cowboy introduced for no real reason: what did that plotline teach us?
If there's one thing I've learned, anything major is not done without a reason. This is another path that the Creators will explore.
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
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Post by DreamerM »

longlostposter wrote:Wow, that's kind of pessimistic. Please keep in mind the budget. See my thread "Trend?", please.
If there's one thing I've learned, anything major is not done without a reason. This is another path that the Creators will explore.
I wonder, I really do. The Watchers seemed major, right? We got like five videos of them standing around. And nothing ever came of it. The Epogen seemed major. Mentioned once since then and then only in a "wasn't that weird" kind of way. That's it.

Budget justifies but does not excuse. It doesn't cost anything to think. Yes, time = money, but you can think on your own time.

Pessimist? Heck no. I'm full of hope. Hopey hopey hope hope. Whoot.
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Post by longlostposter »

DreamerM wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Wow, that's kind of pessimistic. Please keep in mind the budget. See my thread "Trend?", please.
If there's one thing I've learned, anything major is not done without a reason. This is another path that the Creators will explore.
I wonder, I really do. The Watchers seemed major, right? We got like five videos of them standing around. And nothing ever came of it. The Epogen seemed major. Mentioned once since then and then only in a "wasn't that weird" kind of way. That's it.

Budget justifies but does not excuse. It doesn't cost anything to think. Yes, time = money, but you can think on your own time.

Pessimist? Heck no. I'm full of hope. Hopey hopey hope hope. Whoot.
:lol: OK, hope I didn't offend. :lol:
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
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Post by longlostposter »

Ive been thinking about this a lot, DreamerM, trying to be fair from both the viewers and creators POV.

My thoughts:

Firstly, it's the fans who get rabid and start dissecting these things until they become monstrous, not the creators.

Secondly, if the creators were to spew out the whole story, what more would there be left to write future episodes about? If we knew all about the Order, then there would be nothing to theorise on, or talk about in these forums.

I also think all of these various things you say are deadends (the shots, the watchers, the cowboy) will end up being a big part of the total story. I'm really having trouble understanding why you think they are dead issues.

I think it's the pace you are having trouble with, and I sometimes agree. However, the faster the story is told, the less story there is to tell. How will our curiousity continue to be whetted if we are spoon-fed everything right now?

Anyway, I just want to add these musings to what I'd already posted.

Happy Valentine's Day!
You can call me Juli or LLP, whichever suits your fancy.
I want the ghost of Jim Morrison to come and haunt me.
Proud member of the DB Fan Club.
Shout outs to my beautiful daughter badkittyx1505, Aithne, and Lurker.

Post by Lurker »

longlostposter wrote:Please keep in mind the budget.
I know the budget limits them in various ways, but from strictly the standpoint of what the story is and how it's being told, I don't think it plays a role.

As an example, we know that Bree, Daniel, and Jonas escaped from Lucy and those other Order goons by running up to the roof of that building and flying away in a helicopter piloted by Brother. Just because they couldn't afford to rent a helicopter that didn't stop them from including it in the story. All they needed was some audio of a helicopter getting ready to take off.

Most things could be handled like that despite budget limitations.
longlostposter wrote:
DreamerM wrote:We had The Cowboy introduced for no real reason: what did that plotline teach us?
If there's one thing I've learned, anything major is not done without a reason.
I have to agree with DreamerM about Cowboy. He was completely unnecessary. What we've learned limits him to being a guy who lives around Jonas' area and takes odd jobs from whoever's offering. It seems to have been inferred that the Order hired him to take Daniel.

It would have been just as well to have OpAphid's own people just pull up and grab Daniel in the parking lot of the bowling alley - or have one of them lure him out as Cowboy did. Cowboy was filler. As were the videos about him. "Looking For Daniel," "Sleepover," and "The Cowboy" - if they were determined to include the guy - could and should have been a single episode.

I say this because 1) the foreshadowing of the camera work in "Looking For Daniel" built to nothing, 2) "Sleepover" didn't tell us anything we didn't already know, and 3) when they got to Cowboy's place, they didn't even look around it like Daniel would have done (remember "Following The Helper"?; Bree wasn't even missing in that case - it was just clear that something weird was up with her - yet Daniel didn't hesitate to break into Lucy's place when she left).

If they really wanted to include Cowboy, all that needed to happen was this: the bartender tells Jonas that Daniel left with a local who wears a cowboy hat and drives a white van; he also says that the guy just left and was heading out to the parking lot; he suggests that if Jonas hurries he may catch him; Jonas goes out to the parking lot and sees Cowboy pulling out; he and Bree follow him to the rest stop they ended up going to anyway; Jonas checks the van; things proceed more or less as they did, only when Jonas gets back to Bree, neither of them notice that Cowboy's pulling out until it's too late to follow him further.

This would have made more sense for numerous reasons:

*No unwarranted foreshadowing
*No unrealistic/callous behavior from Jonas and Bree when they got to Cowboy's place but didn't look inside when Cowboy left
*No stupidity on their part by driving all the way back home without looking further into things
*It would have given Cowboy's placement in the parking lot in "Looking For Daniel" some actual relevance
*Bree and Jonas going back home after leaving the rest stop would have been more understandable
*There would have been no cabin for Jonas and Bree to ignore
*Pointless filler would have been avoided

Of course, I think it would have been more simple all the way around to just omit him completely.
longlostposter wrote:Secondly, if the creators were to spew out the whole story, what more would there be left to write future episodes about? If we knew all about the Order, then there would be nothing to theorise on, or talk about in these forums.
I'm not sure why that's a bad thing. It doesn't seem to me like creating a story/movie/show/whatever for the sake of making something to fuel speculation should be the end result. Especially when speculation and theorizing are about the pursuit of answers to begin with.

I don't think DreamerM's so much asking everything to be explained all at once anyway, as he's asking that the pacing/developments be more realistic/palatable and there be less filler.
longlostposter wrote:I also think all of these various things you say are deadends (the shots, the watchers, the cowboy) will end up being a big part of the total story. I'm really having trouble understanding why you think they are dead issues.
I agree with you about the shots and the Watchers. They have to come back to those at some point. Cowboy, though, is about 99% explained already just based on inference.
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