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Post by Killthesmiley »

so i got this post in my myspace bulltines from a friend of mine and my husbands. And we were completely shocked that he sent this, but I agree with what he's saying...
so i'm sharing it with everyone:
Is anyone else tired of all the Christmas Comercials. It's all want want want, need need need. Whatever happened to the real Christmas. Back in October I said at work that Halloween was my favorite's simple, doesn't cost much except maybe a few bags of candy and I get to dress up like a clown and have no one laugh at me all day. I said that I hated what Christmas had become, everyone spending hours in a mall panicing because they haven't found the right gift. Well this year I'm doing something different. Check your local foodbanks, Most of them if you give a donation will send a card to the person or group of people of your choice that you want to make a donation in behalf of. At least now I know that someone who really does "want" or "need" something is going to get it. I'm not asking everyone to do this but any way that you can help out the people that really need it should make you feel awsome.
Christmas is like radio, Radio plays the same bullshit over and over. Christmas has become the same damn crap. Get this, buy that or you haven't proven that you really care about someone. Everyyear you hear it but it really is time to bring back the true meaning of Christmas.

P.S. Santa's a Fat Bitch,



people surprise me!

So my challenge to people is to donate donate donate this season! Make a difference this christmas!!!

~muwah~ everyone!!! Happy holidays

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Post by ElectricEye »

I agree with alot of that. But its still a fun holiday nonetheless. But it has been extremely commercialized in recent years. I cant stand the commercials. In particular, the commercials with couples are bad. It implies love needs to be bought, which is true for alot of people...but still.
And yeah, people should give and donate...but still, dont just do that on Christmas. If you feel obligated to give, your not really giving. And alot of people donate stuff to the poor for the sake of their own egos. Makes them able to live with themselves. Like a point guard in basketball who only gets other involved so he has better numbers. We should all try to help those less fortunate all year, Christmas or not.
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Post by GoodGollyItsHolly »

I donate every year. As gifts to people I donate in their name. Then I ask my gifts to be donations.
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Post by AutoPilate »

I give the gift of prayer.
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Post by Kasdeja »

AutoPilate wrote:I give the gift of prayer.
Oh, you liiiiiieeeee! :lol:

I donate food for people and also coats, winter clothing, etc. I usually pick up at least one name off one of those trees that lists what a child or usually teen (people don't think about them as much as the little ones) likes, sizes, etc...and buy gifts for them. For me, xmas is all about getting gifts for others. Not saying I don't like getting gifts, just that I really like giving gifts. I don't pay attention to the stores and TV, they start in September...and frankly it annoys the heck out of me. I don't have a lot to spend, so it's usually about being creative and thoughtful. I make candies, etc, every year for gifts. I also get a gift for every child I know...some of them don't get much of anything except maybe warm clothes for xmas because a lot of my friends don't have much. I do what I can and it's what I enjoy doing for the holidays. I don't like feeling guilted into giving, though, because I do what I can for people...and sometimes people have a way of making you feel like you don't do enough. That annoys me. If everyone just did what they could then things would be better for many...I don't like the guilt trips.
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Post by ForeverMourn »

*Sung to the tune of Happy Birthday*
Merry Xmas to you! Merry Xmas to you! Merry Xmas to y'all! Merry Xmas to you!

I actually bought 5 toys and donated them to the Toys For Tots campaign. ^_^

I <3 Xmas.
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Post by iamcool »

i like it but i hate spending so much money :(
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Post by ForeverMourn »

So, what are you getting me for Xmas, Josh-y?
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Post by iamcool »

well i only know about my phone, i dno what else

how about you cutey pie? ;)
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted

My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued

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