so i'm sharing it with everyone:
Is anyone else tired of all the Christmas Comercials. It's all want want want, need need need. Whatever happened to the real Christmas. Back in October I said at work that Halloween was my favorite's simple, doesn't cost much except maybe a few bags of candy and I get to dress up like a clown and have no one laugh at me all day. I said that I hated what Christmas had become, everyone spending hours in a mall panicing because they haven't found the right gift. Well this year I'm doing something different. Check your local foodbanks, Most of them if you give a donation will send a card to the person or group of people of your choice that you want to make a donation in behalf of. At least now I know that someone who really does "want" or "need" something is going to get it. I'm not asking everyone to do this but any way that you can help out the people that really need it should make you feel awsome.
Christmas is like radio, Radio plays the same bullshit over and over. Christmas has become the same damn crap. Get this, buy that or you haven't proven that you really care about someone. Everyyear you hear it but it really is time to bring back the true meaning of Christmas.
P.S. Santa's a Fat Bitch,
people surprise me!
So my challenge to people is to donate donate donate this season! Make a difference this christmas!!!
~muwah~ everyone!!! Happy holidays