Message to Jonas (3 of 3 messages to the TAAG)

Chat with jonastko. Where are his parents, anyway?

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Re: Message to Jonas (3 of 3 messages to the TAAG)

Post by LesterG »

sack36 wrote:
LesterG wrote:jonas has no fan club, he was too embarassed to have one :wink: someone told me something to that effect...
Da*n straight! LOL! That's the second time I've agreed with you, Lester! Hell may be freezing over!
:lol: :smt052
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Post by eucebo »

As far as I'm concern, Jonas only showed his chest ONCE.
And there was another time when his back and shoulders were in sight, BUT THAT'S IT!!!

So, shadow, stop saying his shirtless all the time, because that's not true! And besides, if he want to, he won't be asking for your permission to do so.
So... I guess this is it...
Shhhhhhhhhh *sigh* *swoon*
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Re: Message to Jonas (3 of 3 messages to the TAAG)

Post by anniid »

sack36 wrote:
anniid wrote:
shadowofjustice wrote: 2) Whatever you do to get girls, you need to stop. At this rate, you'll have every female in a 7 continent radius wanting you and leave nothing for the rest of us.
Actually, I am president of his fan club...
and I still found this guy last friday. Well, he lives too far away for me to date him right now, but we will definitely keep in touch... and he doesn't look anything like Jonas... Well, actually, he does have brown hair.
Anyway, my point is... we love him... but other than a select few... We are not IN LOVE with him... Which means we are free to date and love other boys.
Excuse me? You are president of the Jonas Fan Club??? I don't think so!! Jonas doesn't have a Fan Club. Just go check on LGPedia!
uh, no. we've been around for a long time. just because it hasn't been added to lgpedia yet means nothing. in fact, I talked to jonas about the fan club, and he acknowledged its existence. His opinion means more to me than whoever says whether or not I exist on lgpedia.
okay, i got you. let me clarify. I am president of the "Jonas is sexy fan club" as you can see if you would read my signature. My apologies for assuming you had read that.
One day you'll know who I am. On that day, so will everyone else.
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