me: some videos...
mom: who's that girl? your girlfriend?
me: hmm... no?
mom: do you have a crush on her?
me: hmm... no?
mom: what is that anyway?

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damn skippyJo_16_2 wrote:friend: whatcha doing?
me: watching a video...
friend: of what?
me: lonelygirl15
friend: is she hot?
Luckily i was watching that vh1 top 40 internet celebraties (lg15 only 4th?) So if i ever get asked i just have to remind them of that show. I remember trying to explain it in more detail when it came to themRoseCrowley wrote:that's what i'm afraid of, my dad saw me watching one of the videos one day and he curiously asked me what i was watching, and i had to say nothing like 10 times before he'd leave me be. lol.
Haha, I wish I could get any reaction out of my boyfriend, besides "huh"? or "uh huh".nowherepixie wrote:Boyfriend: What is that?
Me: Nothing
Boyfriend: Is it that internet soap opera thing again?
Me: What?
Boyfriend: It's very dramatic. She's hot.
Me: *gives up*
This isnt an order from washington...not like the old days and its not something the UN can officialaly sanction either. This isnt justice its a hired hit. LIQUID MUST DIE
lolSARAHPHOBIA88 wrote:LOL....
My hubby could care less if I watch Lonelygirl. Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Me: Hey hubby, new LG15 video, I'm going to watch.
Hubby: Uh huh (with xbox headset on, Playing Halo 2 with people he never met, online)
Me: Daniel is so cute.
Hubby: Uh huh (Still wearing headset, playing Halo 2)
Me: I am going to join a group called The Hymn of One.
Hubby: 'K (Still wearing headset, playing Halo 2)
Me: 'K, we'll have to move.
Hubby: Uh huh, (stops playing Halo 2 for a moment) wait are you on that Lonelygirl site?
Me: Yes!
Hubby: You're weird. (Goes back to playing Halo 2 on 360)
*sigh* LOL!