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Hymn of One
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Post by Jo_16_2 »

mom: what are you watching?
me: some videos...
mom: who's that girl? your girlfriend?
me: hmm... no?
mom: do you have a crush on her?
me: hmm... no?
mom: what is that anyway?

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Post by RoseCrowley »

that's what i'm afraid of, my dad saw me watching one of the videos one day and he curiously asked me what i was watching, and i had to say nothing like 10 times before he'd leave me be. lol.
RoseCrowley:I wish my tooth would fall out so i could trade it with the tooth fairy!

TTT:Granted, but the fairy takes your credit card instead of leaving money and gets like fifty lap dances w/ it.

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Post by VeiwerZane »

oh so true try being on the forums in class and the teacher looking over your sholder looking at the title. And like teachers do they read it out so all the clas can see.

Most thought the odd thing the rest were lg15 haters so it was so hard to get out of that mess with any cred left. I managed to play it off as the odd one so most they guys were loveing me for getting past filters to odd sites.
Last edited by VeiwerZane on Mon May 21, 2007 2:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Hymn of One
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Post by Jo_16_2 »

friend: whatcha doing?
me: watching a video...
friend: of what?
me: lonelygirl15
friend: is she hot?

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Post by RoseCrowley »

Jo_16_2 wrote:friend: whatcha doing?
me: watching a video...
friend: of what?
me: lonelygirl15
friend: is she hot?

damn skippy 8)
RoseCrowley:I wish my tooth would fall out so i could trade it with the tooth fairy!

TTT:Granted, but the fairy takes your credit card instead of leaving money and gets like fifty lap dances w/ it.

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Post by VeiwerZane »

RoseCrowley wrote:that's what i'm afraid of, my dad saw me watching one of the videos one day and he curiously asked me what i was watching, and i had to say nothing like 10 times before he'd leave me be. lol.
Luckily i was watching that vh1 top 40 internet celebraties (lg15 only 4th?) So if i ever get asked i just have to remind them of that show. I remember trying to explain it in more detail when it came to them
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Post by nowherepixie »

Boyfriend: What is that?
Me: Nothing
Boyfriend: Is it that internet soap opera thing again?
Me: What?
Boyfriend: It's very dramatic. She's hot.
Me: *gives up*

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Post by RoseCrowley »

nowherepixie wrote:Boyfriend: What is that?
Me: Nothing
Boyfriend: Is it that internet soap opera thing again?
Me: What?
Boyfriend: It's very dramatic. She's hot.
Me: *gives up*

Haha, I wish I could get any reaction out of my boyfriend, besides "huh"? or "uh huh". :roll:
RoseCrowley:I wish my tooth would fall out so i could trade it with the tooth fairy!

TTT:Granted, but the fairy takes your credit card instead of leaving money and gets like fifty lap dances w/ it.

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Post by xentis »

me:omg omg gilmore girls is on

then later

me: A new lonelygirl15 video came out today
mom:why do you watch girl shows?
me:its not <insert 30 min of trying to explain it>

thats the run down of it and she never understood it or the plot, but that could be because there isn't one

now to myspace to ask
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Post by Languorous Lass »

When I told my GF that I was happy to finally make the Order of Denderah on this forum, she just . . . well, I can't even describe the look that came over her face. "Eye-rolling" doesn't come near covering it. :oops:
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Post by VeiwerZane »

Last night when on the forum my dad asked if i was a lonelygirl? after reading over my shoulder despite him seeing a documentrey that mentioned the show. I had to explain it to him and he just went off.
This isnt an order from washington...not like the old days and its not something the UN can officialaly sanction either. This isnt justice its a hired hit. LIQUID MUST DIE
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Post by Wrathie »

My boyfriend couldn't care less what i watched on the internet... he does ask now and again out of interest but never says anymore of it :D

Edit: just had a thought, my parents (mainly my mum) might ask the daft questions :roll: :lol:
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Post by Chelseyrl »

I actually managed to get my friend Sammi to start watching it, but she has a lousy computer and only made it to like ep. 18. Whenever I bring up Jonas & Bree now, she says "NO! She's sposed to be with the other one!"


Me: "Sammi, Daniel doesn't think of her that way anymore."
Sammi: "Well, still."

I'm pretty embarrassed to be a LG person. Most people think I'm weird.

:I'm watching "Let's Play Doctor" at Sammi's house and our friend Jesse came over:

Jesse: "What the f**k are you watching?"
Me: "Nothing, nevermind."
Jesse: <referring to Sarah> "She's hot..."
Me: "That's nice. Leave me alone. You wouldn't understand this."
<He continues to watch over my shoulder; vid ends.>
Jesse: "You're weird."
Curfuffle thy forumite.

You just had a Kyle moment.
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My hubby could care less if I watch Lonelygirl. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Me: Hey hubby, new LG15 video, I'm going to watch.
Hubby: Uh huh (with xbox headset on, Playing Halo 2 with people he never met, online)
Me: Daniel is so cute.
Hubby: Uh huh (Still wearing headset, playing Halo 2)
Me: I am going to join a group called The Hymn of One.
Hubby: 'K (Still wearing headset, playing Halo 2)
Me: 'K, we'll have to move.
Hubby: Uh huh, (stops playing Halo 2 for a moment) wait are you on that Lonelygirl site?
Me: Yes!
Hubby: You're weird. (Goes back to playing Halo 2 on 360)

*sigh* LOL!
I prefer S.A.R.A.H. or SARAH.
Always have...even before our friend Sarah entered the picture. And, I love her, but Beastie belongs to someone else! Please don't touch P. Monkey! :smt016

My videos: http://one.revver.com/account/show/SARAHgirl81
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Post by Renegade »


My hubby could care less if I watch Lonelygirl. Ha Ha Ha Ha!

Me: Hey hubby, new LG15 video, I'm going to watch.
Hubby: Uh huh (with xbox headset on, Playing Halo 2 with people he never met, online)
Me: Daniel is so cute.
Hubby: Uh huh (Still wearing headset, playing Halo 2)
Me: I am going to join a group called The Hymn of One.
Hubby: 'K (Still wearing headset, playing Halo 2)
Me: 'K, we'll have to move.
Hubby: Uh huh, (stops playing Halo 2 for a moment) wait are you on that Lonelygirl site?
Me: Yes!
Hubby: You're weird. (Goes back to playing Halo 2 on 360)

*sigh* LOL!
lol :smt042
I love how he constructs "lonelygirl15" out of Daniel -> Hymn of One -> We'll have to move.
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