I was just being facetious and turning what you said (no, you didn't say anything wrong) into a monkey Sh** fight, just to go with the theme of this thread. No hard feelings.Penny wrote:Uh...okay jersey johnny...I have no idea what attitude you are talking about...so I thought it was funny when asenath said: 'I just don't get why every discussion on the internet has to turn into a monkey sh**fight...and yes, I did just censor myself. I can't for the life of me remember if cursing is allowed on these forums or not.)'...I appoligize for laughing at the fact that every conversation about Bree's religion has turned into a 'monkey s**t fight'. Actually, I am not sorry, I'll laugh at whatever I damn well please especially when it is funny.JerseyJohnny wrote:You know what, Penny? If you can't handle a discussion on religion without being insulting towards other peoples' beleifs, then just LEAVE. I don't know why you so arrogantly put people down for their beliefs. Nobody cares what you have to say, especially when you're so inconsiderate and rude. These forums are NOT about fighting, and it's NEVER about religion.Penny wrote: I can't stop laughing at this comment. Tears are coming out of my eyes b/c I am laughing so hard. What you say about internet fights is totally true ROFLMBO!
I have to say the biggest fights I have seen on the internet have to do with politics and religion. We are definatly discussing religion here. Anyway, there is another thread that talks about lg15 being more of a social experiment then anything else. It has caused a whole lot of conversations about different religions. Some have been total throwdowns and some have stayed at an adult level....pretty interesting if you ask me.
So just pack up your attitude and get out of the basement if you can't stand the cooking.
edit: I suppose what made me laugh was use of the word monkey s**t to discribe what the fights are like in here. So what if I found that amusing...It's probably the best discription for some of these fights.

Remember the Thelemite Rede: "Doest thou what thou wiltest to do, the Will is the Whole Lawe. Magicke."