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Post by JerseyJohnny »

Penny wrote:
JerseyJohnny wrote:
Penny wrote: I can't stop laughing at this comment. Tears are coming out of my eyes b/c I am laughing so hard. What you say about internet fights is totally true ROFLMBO!

I have to say the biggest fights I have seen on the internet have to do with politics and religion. We are definatly discussing religion here. Anyway, there is another thread that talks about lg15 being more of a social experiment then anything else. It has caused a whole lot of conversations about different religions. Some have been total throwdowns and some have stayed at an adult level....pretty interesting if you ask me.
You know what, Penny? If you can't handle a discussion on religion without being insulting towards other peoples' beleifs, then just LEAVE. I don't know why you so arrogantly put people down for their beliefs. Nobody cares what you have to say, especially when you're so inconsiderate and rude. These forums are NOT about fighting, and it's NEVER about religion.

So just pack up your attitude and get out of the basement if you can't stand the cooking.
Uh...okay jersey johnny...I have no idea what attitude you are talking I thought it was funny when asenath said: 'I just don't get why every discussion on the internet has to turn into a monkey sh**fight...and yes, I did just censor myself. I can't for the life of me remember if cursing is allowed on these forums or not.)'...I appoligize for laughing at the fact that every conversation about Bree's religion has turned into a 'monkey s**t fight'. Actually, I am not sorry, I'll laugh at whatever I damn well please especially when it is funny.

edit: I suppose what made me laugh was use of the word monkey s**t to discribe what the fights are like in here. So what if I found that amusing...It's probably the best discription for some of these fights.
I was just being facetious and turning what you said (no, you didn't say anything wrong) into a monkey Sh** fight, just to go with the theme of this thread. No hard feelings. :)

Remember the Thelemite Rede: "Doest thou what thou wiltest to do, the Will is the Whole Lawe. Magicke."
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Post by Penny »

Well dang...I just ripped you a new one in the lds wedding thread before I came back here to read your reply...I guess this means we can't be friends.

Look jersey johnny, I am a member of the LDS church and I did get offended at what you said about my religion. I don't expect you to be a member of my church or even like it...I just wish you wouldn't be so critical of it. I have found happiness in my life through my church. I don't go around making fun of your beliefs (I sort of did just now in the mormon sealing thread and I am actually feeling bad right now). I am sorry that I didn't get that you were kidding and went after you in the other thread.

edit: I am not wanting to get in a monkey s**t fight with you or anyone else here.

Bree brought us all lets have fun.
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Post by JerseyJohnny »

Penny wrote:Well dang...I just ripped you a new one in the lds wedding thread before I came back here to read your reply...I guess this means we can't be friends.

Look jersey johnny, I am a member of the LDS church and I did get offended at what you said about my religion. I don't expect you to be a member of my church or even like it...I just wish you wouldn't be so critical of it. I have found happiness in my life through my church. I don't go around making fun of your beliefs (I sort of did just now in the mormon sealing thread and I am actually feeling bad right now). I am sorry that I didn't get that you were kidding and went after you in the other thread.

edit: I am not wanting to get in a monkey s**t fight with you or anyone else here.

Bree brought us all lets have fun.
That's OK, Penny, I forgive you for being LDS. :lol: j/k!!!

Don't sweat it, I'm not mad at you or anything. No big deal. Anyone can rip me a new one, but I rip back!!! ;) I don't take it personally but I do get analytical and argumentative. And I'm not here to fling Monkey Sh**. To fling Monkey Sh** you have to first pick it up, and I don't like getting it on my hands!

EDIT: This is not to say I'm not a monkey, but instead of the Monkey who flings his own Sh** I'm more like the monkey in the lab who throws beakers and bottles while screeching and laughing. A Rhesus monkey. They're the scary ones!!!
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Post by Nora Volkova »

I knew it, JerseyJohnny! You were one of those experimental rhesus monkey babies whose mommy was chicken wire form with a fake monkey head, a towel body, and a baby bottle nipple.

Deprived of the warmth of a mama rhesus monkey's love! For shame on the scientists! Science -- what hast thou wroght? Look upon your sins! SEE THE SHAME!
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Post by JerseyJohnny »

Nora Volkova wrote:I knew it, JerseyJohnny! You were one of those experimental rhesus monkey babies whose mommy was chicken wire form with a fake monkey head, a towel body, and a baby bottle nipple.

Deprived of the warmth of a mama rhesus monkey's love! For shame on the scientists! Science -- what hast thou wroght? Look upon your sins! SEE THE SHAME!
Nora Volkovich, you're right, and that's why I hate science so much!!! But yes, you figured me out. I was a baby rhesus monkey. Here are some pictures of me before I was taken to live in the lab.

This is me on my Dad's back, heading out of the city after we stole some bananas from a street vendor, fleeing into the jungle where our home was (before man tore down the jungle):


This is me as a toddler; first, drinking water, then crawling on the fence behind my Uncle Steve.


I only escaped from the lab when one of the lab techs left the cage door open and I got out and threw a barrage of beakers and test tubes and stuff at the scientists who were trying to zap me with a stun gun. I even bit one of them after I leapt towards the door to make a break for it.

That was many years ago, but the painful memories still haunt me. I'm looking for my family, but I'm afraid it might be too late for them. :(
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Post by Nora Volkova »

Cheer up -- at least you have very cool emo glasses now.
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Post by asenath »

JerseyJohnny wrote:
Nora Volkova wrote:I knew it, JerseyJohnny! You were one of those experimental rhesus monkey babies whose mommy was chicken wire form with a fake monkey head, a towel body, and a baby bottle nipple.

Deprived of the warmth of a mama rhesus monkey's love! For shame on the scientists! Science -- what hast thou wroght? Look upon your sins! SEE THE SHAME!
Nora Volkovich, you're right, and that's why I hate science so much!!! But yes, you figured me out. I was a baby rhesus monkey. Here are some pictures of me before I was taken to live in the lab.

This is me on my Dad's back, heading out of the city after we stole some bananas from a street vendor, fleeing into the jungle where our home was (before man tore down the jungle):


This is me as a toddler; first, drinking water, then crawling on the fence behind my Uncle Steve.


I only escaped from the lab when one of the lab techs left the cage door open and I got out and threw a barrage of beakers and test tubes and stuff at the scientists who were trying to zap me with a stun gun. I even bit one of them after I leapt towards the door to make a break for it.

That was many years ago, but the painful memories still haunt me. I'm looking for my family, but I'm afraid it might be too late for them. :(
That's totally the coolest post you've made so far. Monkeys! Can't go wrong. And I must congratulate you on your escape. You, sir, are a true fighter.
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Post by asenath »

Penny wrote:
asenath wrote:...All freaking message boards are the same, I swear. I'm so sick of drama. I mean, is it really needed? Really? I get humans are inherently sensitive and all, but man. Man. :?

(And just to clarify, this really isn't aimed at one specific person. Really. I just don't get why every discussion on the internet has to turn into a monkey sh**fight...and yes, I did just censor myself. I can't for the life of me remember if cursing is allowed on these forums or not.)
I can't stop laughing at this comment. Tears are coming out of my eyes b/c I am laughing so hard. What you say about internet fights is totally true ROFLMBO!

I have to say the biggest fights I have seen on the internet have to do with politics and religion. We are definatly discussing religion here. Anyway, there is another thread that talks about lg15 being more of a social experiment then anything else. It has caused a whole lot of conversations about different religions. Some have been total throwdowns and some have stayed at an adult level....pretty interesting if you ask me.
Oh yes, politics and religion. I only rarely get into conversations about either since it usually leads no one anywhere, although I do on here because, for the MOST part, the people on here are fairly intelligent, well-read, adult individuals.

Come on, guys. Let's all get some pudding and hang out in big, comfy couches and read books together. No need to fight. Hey, you can even read a magazine if you want.

Post by orvetti »

<facetious>I am a student of Hinduism and I find the use of the word "avatar" on this board to be ignorant and offensive.</facetious>

Post by tannhaus »

orvetti wrote:<facetious>I am a student of Hinduism and I find the use of the word "avatar" on this board to be ignorant and offensive.</facetious>
You know, when I first read that on here, I had to read twice because I WAS reading the hindu meaning into avatar and not thinking about the phpbb meaning of avatar. So, it's really cool to see someone else catch that too.

Post by tannhaus »

Penny wrote:Look jersey johnny, I am a member of the LDS church and I did get offended at what you said about my religion.
Am I the only one amused by the fact you were laughing at the rest of the people arguing over religion...then immediately went to war with jerseyjohnny?

As far as the LDS, cool. My brother was head of missions in the 80s? for the LDS in Alabama.
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Post by Kasdeja »

Uh, someone mentioned pudding...

Post by tannhaus »

Kasdeja wrote:Uh, someone mentioned pudding...
Well, you can't have your pudding unless you eat all your fish.
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Post by Kasdeja »

:cry: It's are mean. Mean, evil person...

Post by tannhaus »

Kasdeja wrote::cry: It's are mean. Mean, evil person...

nooooo pink floyd is mean. Ms. should have gotten that reference :-P
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