robtomorrow wrote:mincartaugh wrote:DoktorBob wrote:As Onewen mentioned: Could maddisonatkins be the new girl?
The videos do have a similar "LG15" feel. Even has a morse code thrown in.
Any guessers out there?
Bob, you gotta quit muttering. My eyesight can't take it. (yeah, I know 16 different ways of enlarging, but do I try them? I do not!)
I'm hoping it's not Maddison. Her videos are just too like Bree and Daniel. It'd be like reading a second Harlequin romance: Same story, names changed.
One reason that they can't be canon.they are filmed in Texas, second reason they are too long, LG15 videos are never longer than three minutes,
third reason, she has a last name, LG15 characters never do. I could probably think of more reasons but they are fanfic I am sure about that.
-She's a reporter right? I don't think the Creators would do that to Nikki B.
-She's received an urgent message by pidgeon. When was the last time you stopped and picked up a pidgeon?
-Who would contact Maddie Atkins to go on a mission? At least tell me she's a journalism prodigy that tracked down a missing kid or something.
-She is interacting through MySpace and IRC. The Creators have really made an effort to direct interaction to this site.
-I do like how they wrote into the story the reason to create accounts at different sites.
-It's got some good production value and if the story holds could get interesting.
-There's a potential for a Nikki B/Maddie Atkins rivalry and possible cat fight.
Okay that last one was wishful thinking but still...