0172-"The Perfect Beach" [4/13/07]

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Post by aideen »

mincartaugh wrote: BTW, what is it with these three and not letting a person speak! AARGH!!
I reckon. It's just constantly SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP

Roaring at the tops of their voices. Jeez.


I loved how Jonas was so protective of Bree.

But I got teary when I realised that Daniel had completely forsaken Bree and was busy trying to shove Alex into the car to protect her whn they first saw the car.

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Post by immortal1 »

robtomorrow wrote:
mincartaugh wrote:
DoktorBob wrote:As Onewen mentioned: Could maddisonatkins be the new girl?
The videos do have a similar "LG15" feel. Even has a morse code thrown in.
Any guessers out there?
Bob, you gotta quit muttering. My eyesight can't take it. (yeah, I know 16 different ways of enlarging, but do I try them? I do not!)

I'm hoping it's not Maddison. Her videos are just too like Bree and Daniel. It'd be like reading a second Harlequin romance: Same story, names changed.
One reason that they can't be canon.they are filmed in Texas, second reason they are too long, LG15 videos are never longer than three minutes,
third reason, she has a last name, LG15 characters never do. I could probably think of more reasons but they are fanfic I am sure about that.
-She's a reporter right? I don't think the Creators would do that to Nikki B.
-She's received an urgent message by pidgeon. When was the last time you stopped and picked up a pidgeon?
-Who would contact Maddie Atkins to go on a mission? At least tell me she's a journalism prodigy that tracked down a missing kid or something.
-She is interacting through MySpace and IRC. The Creators have really made an effort to direct interaction to this site.

-I do like how they wrote into the story the reason to create accounts at different sites.
-It's got some good production value and if the story holds could get interesting.
-There's a potential for a Nikki B/Maddie Atkins rivalry and possible cat fight.

Okay that last one was wishful thinking but still...
Last edited by immortal1 on Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ApotheosisAZ »

DoktorBob wrote:Jonas with gun: being kidnapped, interrogated, chased and made to believe parents are dead will make Jonas a darker character.
I certainly agree with this one, and I'm glad to see it! This just proves the guy was thinking ahead. He had reason to distrust Alex, and he took appropriate precautions.
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Post by longlostposter »

wh_pirate wrote:
longlostposter wrote:
wh_pirate wrote:http://www.lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8757

That is the link to the topic for Maddison.
Yeah, all 20 pages of it. *sigh*
lol sorry. The info that I found was on the first page. I didn't even notice there were that many pages.
No, you were right. It is a one page summary (at this point). Thanks so much.
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Post by robtomorrow »

abcdefg wrote:
laurenesque wrote::shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I was literally going "Woah, woah, woah!" when Jonas pulled the gun.
for me it was more like "what?! what?! what?!"
For me it was "Yea!,.. Yea!,... Yea!"
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Post by Onewen »

Per Cuddlebunni (1/2 way down - on this forum:http://www.lonelygirl15.com/forum/viewt ... c&start=90)

Her response bout the birthmark:

I have two birthmarks, and both are out of sight. One is on my back, and the other is ... well... the other is elsewhere.

I just finished the video. It's rendering. It should be posted within the hour.


Okay, so there is a possibility she has the "mark" like Bree.

And the vid should be up soon. *does happy dance
Last edited by Onewen on Sat Apr 14, 2007 1:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by aideen »

wh_pirate wrote:Hmmm
I was just looking at my window where I had paused the video to talk about Lucy and the bald guy, and I noticed another car reflecting into the side mirror outside the driver's door. I wonder if that was just a fluke of the film crew or if there is really supposed to be another car there.
I saw that too! It had me so confused because I could see a third car, and no Lucy, but everyone else could see Lucy and noone was mentioning a third car!! HALLELUJAH
Onewen wrote:
longlostposter wrote:Can someone tell me exactly where in this pic Lucy is? I still don't see her.
Here...I circled her in red...can you see her now? In the back....

OHH! I always thought that was like, glare or something. You can only really see her hair. Wow. You guys have super eyesight or summat.
wh_pirate wrote:There is finally a discription up for the video:

Alex took us to her favorite beach in Mexico. Things didn't go *quite* as planned. - Bree Faction: THE RESISTANCE Status: PUBLIC

Why do you think the word "quite" has the ** around it?
Gee, like, I totally have no idea! :D
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
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Post by longlostposter »

lonelygirl wrote: I don't even like the idea of having another girl besides Bree. That would just suck and make this entire series pointless.
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Post by aideen »

Onewen wrote:
aideen wrote: Now for a question; where is everyone getting 'Maddison' from?? I never heard any mention of a Maddison, how does eveyone know so much AND I HAVE NO CLUE
there is a good summary here:
Thanks! :D
Scrawnyfish wrote:
abcdefg wrote:
laurenesque wrote::shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I was literally going "Woah, woah, woah!" when Jonas pulled the gun.
for me it was more like "what?! what?! what?!"
I was just thinking, "OMG, don't kill someone...!!"
For me, it was those three all at the same time. LG15 HELPS ME DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!!
immortal1 wrote: -There's a potential for a Nikki B/Maddie Atkins rivalry and possible cat fight.

Okay that last one was wishful thinking but still...
Hahaha, awesome call.
"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
Daniel speak good English lots

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Post by longlostposter »

Could it be possible that Alex is a double agent and they've caught on to her?
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Post by cosmicdancer »

I don't think the idea that Alex could be willingly doing the ceremony in Bree's place is impossible. Especially if she feels remorseful for what she's done to them.
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Post by Misty »

Oh SHIT!!! I can't believe I didn't think of this before now.

TACHYON could be the other girl.

think about it, she probably is the other girl mentioned by Gemma, so she was a candidate, and no ones heard from Tachyon, lately.
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Post by kellylen »

Misty wrote:Oh SHIT!!! I can't believe I didn't think of this before now.

TACHYON is the other girl.

think abou tit, she probably is the other girl mentioned by Gemma, so she was a candidate, and no ones heard from Tachyon, lately.
tachys out of the storyline now.

so its not her.
Oh yeah. I'm that girl on FOB Life who Rafine said that Reza, Jackson, and Yousef all wanted to screw when I called in.

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Post by longlostposter »

immortal1 wrote:-She's received an urgent message by pidgeon. When was the last time you stopped and picked up a pidgeon?
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Post by tigxpup »

has everyone seen the "immerse myself" vid on the sidebar from maddison? It sounds like the e-mail she got could possibly be from Bree's mom. Personally I think she is most likely canon because she's clearly acting....fans would be more themselves.
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