Now I need some of that sour gum. Darnit the product integration worked on me! It actually tastes goood!

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I just love it when Daniel and Bree hug.lonelygirl wrote:that video was just too cute and funny. thanks creators and all involved for cheering me up. i love the reunion part and daniel hugging bree.they still have a chance.
I know exactly what you mean. My hubby is the same way. When his grandma died, he hardly cried. He was making everyone laugh talking about the funny things that she had done. So I can see Jonas being the same way, not showing his grief in what people consider a "normal" manner.joygasm wrote:You know... it could just be Jonas's personality. I have dealt with some major issues that should have knocked me down so low that I didn't talk to anyone. I have a very strong "life must go on" attitude, so despite tragedy, you will still see me laughing from time to time or making jokes (and many smart ass comments). It's my way of not letting myself get down too low. You can definitely tell there is something different about me, but I will still be able to communicate the same way I would any other time.
Maybe somebody already owns a helicopter?sidestep wrote:I wonder how the Creators find all these helicopters to film? A helicopter trip just to film it for a subtle clue has to be pretty expensive. I was somewhat willing to think it was a concidence here and there, but black helicopters in the middle of the desert, that low, that shadowing, just seems to be a little strange. Maybe 20% of that 40mm/m is going to the 'copter budget? I'm sure it has to play some larger role here, we're in monetary reality for goodness sakes!