0158 "Truckstop Reunion" [3/20/07]

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Post by sweetie55 »

I liked this vid. After that creepy "Alex is in the Order" vid, it was kind of a nice break from the madness. I agree with joygasm that it could just be Jonas's personality. My grandpa died just a few weeks ago and I try to keep my spirits up by making jokes and such. Oh and I'm definitely feeling there's a mini climax coming soon.
Now I need some of that sour gum. Darnit the product integration worked on me! It actually tastes goood!
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Post by longlostposter »

Joy, I have noticed that there are a few who insist on treating the trio as if they are in normal circumstances. These kids are not in normal circumstances...they HAVE to move on quickly. They don't have time to lick their wounds.

Jonas did say some humorous things in the vid, but he didn't laugh at them the way he normally does. He was disheveled and very inside himself. He was not the Jonas we are used to seeing by a long shot.

Daniel, on the other hand, seems to have bounced back from Alex with no ill effects whatsoever, just like I predicted he would.

ETA: In fact, I don't think Jonas smiled the whole vid.
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Post by longlostposter »

lonelygirl wrote:that video was just too cute and funny. thanks creators and all involved for cheering me up. i love the reunion part and daniel hugging bree. :D they still have a chance.
I just love it when Daniel and Bree hug.
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Post by wh_pirate »

joygasm wrote:You know... it could just be Jonas's personality. I have dealt with some major issues that should have knocked me down so low that I didn't talk to anyone. I have a very strong "life must go on" attitude, so despite tragedy, you will still see me laughing from time to time or making jokes (and many smart ass comments). It's my way of not letting myself get down too low. You can definitely tell there is something different about me, but I will still be able to communicate the same way I would any other time.
I know exactly what you mean. My hubby is the same way. When his grandma died, he hardly cried. He was making everyone laugh talking about the funny things that she had done. So I can see Jonas being the same way, not showing his grief in what people consider a "normal" manner.

Other comments about the video:
(I didn't read all the pages because I'm being lazy atm so forgive me.) I thought this vid showed everyone getting over things that had recently happened to them in a clever way. Jonas realizing how Bree was thinking when finding the symbol, probally realizing that he would've done the same thing. Jonas and Daniel getting over what they had gone through in the way guys do, "*clears throat* Um. Sorry man." "Um yeah me too."

I love the way the guys hugged Bree. Jonas doing the one-sholder hug and Daniel doing a full embrace. HAH!! You can't tell me there is nothing there with that kind of hug.

What was Daniel saying about Bree's clothes. I couldn't really understand it with them not talking fully into the microphone.

Something is definately up with the helicopters that we see in some of the vids. It could be brother keeping watch over them expecially now because of them having to be out in the middle of nowhere and because of the "threat" that Alex put out there.

There is something else I wanted to mention but I can't remember it right now so I will have to post again when I remember.
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Post by wh_pirate »

HAHA!! I saw imogene's avie and that reminded me about the other thing I had wanted to talk about. The product placement. I thought it was good and it wasn't that much "in your face". Expecially since they played with it.

OK that was my 3 cents worth about this vid.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

nothing much to analyze. but i'll say a few things after reading through the thread

--definitely enjoying the parallax theme. i loved the way they merged the diff. videos and i think this is an awesome idea.
--while i doubt the mysterious second video that is loading is anything more than a gliche, it might be another addition to the parallax theme, which would rock my world.
--the helicopters are just annoying now. i don't see how they could play into anything. i thought the human ransom was the end of that.
--bree's outfit reminded me of voyboy's comment that he imagines tachyon in flannel shirts and doc martins. maybe she's been shopping in tachyon's wardrobe. :lol:
--bree was really likable in this video. the face she made when she had the sour gum was cute.
--i was hoping for some action, but i wasn't disappointed. usually when the creators randomly throw in a cutesy video (always at the worst possible times, it seems), it just sucks bigtime. but this video was actually funny and good. it was like the old days. -big reminiscent sigh-

lots of homework. peace out. 8)
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Post by sidestep »

I wonder how the Creators find all these helicopters to film? A helicopter trip just to film it for a subtle clue has to be pretty expensive. I was somewhat willing to think it was a concidence here and there, but black helicopters in the middle of the desert, that low, that shadowing, just seems to be a little strange. Maybe 20% of that 40mm/m is going to the 'copter budget? I'm sure it has to play some larger role here, we're in monetary reality for goodness sakes!
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Post by EEVEE »

This vid was a nice little "treat" lol. I like Bree, "See, that could be me" :lol: . And oooh maybe a chance for D&B? *crosses fingers*
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Post by EEVEE »

sidestep wrote:I wonder how the Creators find all these helicopters to film? A helicopter trip just to film it for a subtle clue has to be pretty expensive. I was somewhat willing to think it was a concidence here and there, but black helicopters in the middle of the desert, that low, that shadowing, just seems to be a little strange. Maybe 20% of that 40mm/m is going to the 'copter budget? I'm sure it has to play some larger role here, we're in monetary reality for goodness sakes!
Maybe somebody already owns a helicopter? :smt102
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Post by robtomorrow »


.....and oh so refreshing! :P
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Post by kellylen »

haha but thats not the gum!
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Post by longlostposter »

Aren't there military bases out there? If so, it wouldn't be that difficult to get a shot like that. In fact, it seems to me, that they have all sort of looked like military helicopters.
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Post by Shaneener »

This was just... sort of random. I thought the next video would be something that REALLY moved the plot along. But nooooooo.

I still like it though, but I wish we could've had something that answered one of the questions.

Oh, and, I think more like 60 or 70 percent went into the helicopters. The actors can just wear their clothes. The rest goes to equipment and cameras. Oh, and I guess the website.

The houses are theirs, I heard. The Creator's homes and their friends. One of the Creators is a high-paid lawyer or something, so Aunt Alex's uppy home could be his.

ANYWAY, there is my two bits. 8)
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Post by ericski »

the video screencap on the main vid page shows jonas at the wheel. what the heck is the image reflected in the side mirror?
i'm not saying it means anything, i just want to know.
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Post by PinkoLady »

Ehh, normal situation or not, it's still weird to not be taking your circumstance more seriously-- and it's not about sitting around licking your wounds. It's about the fact that someone just said something really freaking ominous and kind of crazy, warning you that something really terrible is coming, and you don't seem particularly concerned. It's new insight into the extensive reach of the order-- the fact that there was a picture of Lucy and Alex and someone else's house, someone wanted Jonas's file, and they're not even discussing it. You see what I mean?

I just find this whole lighthearted video completely out of place (despite the fact that I think its a great video in its own right)-- though looking back, I do agree that Jonas was more subdued than usual.
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