I do understand that you are on the run from The Order.
HOWEVER, think about this: They want you so bad to do this ceremony. They could've killed you if they wanted to, but they didn't. They still keep pressing you to be in the ceremony.
I think you are in a great position of power here. Like I said, if they wanted you dead, you would be dead by now. I think it's time YOU call the shots.
I would send a video out telling THEM how it's going to be. YOU state the terms and conditions, because after all, you are what they want and they are obviously pursuing you a great deal. They need you.
So, how bout it? Piss them off! Tell them how it's going to be because you are worth a lot to them. And if they really want you to do this ceremony, they'll have to play by your rules.
Not only will this buy you some time to think of a plan, but this will also throw something at The Order they're not expecting.
You ain't no hollaback girl!