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Post by BabyYoshi88 »

Bree, I want to give you a new perspective on the situation.

I do understand that you are on the run from The Order.

HOWEVER, think about this: They want you so bad to do this ceremony. They could've killed you if they wanted to, but they didn't. They still keep pressing you to be in the ceremony.

I think you are in a great position of power here. Like I said, if they wanted you dead, you would be dead by now. I think it's time YOU call the shots.

I would send a video out telling THEM how it's going to be. YOU state the terms and conditions, because after all, you are what they want and they are obviously pursuing you a great deal. They need you.

So, how bout it? Piss them off! Tell them how it's going to be because you are worth a lot to them. And if they really want you to do this ceremony, they'll have to play by your rules.

Not only will this buy you some time to think of a plan, but this will also throw something at The Order they're not expecting.

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Post by lonelygirl15 »

I completely understand where you're coming from and I think it's good advice. However, I have tried used this "power" you talk about. I stood my ground and refused to do the ceremony and look where it got me. My father is dead and I can never go home again. I've put Daniel and Jonas in danger ... who knows what they'll do to Daniel if ... I don't even want to think about it. This is the only way to put everything right.
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Post by iamcool »

there is, fight!!!

get jonas, tachyon and brother

i'm sure u can get daniel back
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Post by ladron121 »

Yes, rely on two shady characters and a rich boy to fight a global organization.

Bree, you have an idea of how big the Order is, how much power they hold. You are making the right decision.
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Post by iamcool »

if you do the ceremony it will not matter if you can go back home, coz u will more than likely die or be impregenated

do u think they would go this far if the ceremony was walking on a hill with candles and chanting?
no there is obviously more sinister if they are refusing to tell you any details about it, c'mon bree why go this for and then give up

remember the text 'no good'
dan says he remembers cassie, do u think she would just leave you with no explanation or phonecall?
no, they obviously got her, why... i have no idea

do the ceremony and there is no coming back, and even if u do do it to save daniel... what makes you think they will let him go?
he already know to much they will probably kill him too

seriously, dont do it!
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Post by Ziola »

ahh, the rantings of an apparent madman...

Right now, fulfilling your committment to the Order is your only choice. If you hadn't run away in the first place, none of this would have happened.

Be an adult and take responsibilty for your actions. You have no one else to blame for all that has happened in your life lately.
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Post by iamcool »

if some wierd old deacon guy said 'would u do a ceremony, we are going to tell you nothing about but it includes old men wearing robes'... would you do it?

oh and they are going to inject u with unknown substances, i dont think u wud
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Post by Ziola »

See, you are injecting your ideas of what the ceremony encompasses into this. It is unrealistic to say she shouldn't do something when we don't know what it entails.

For all we know, she will wear white, recite some enochian, light a few candles, spit three times and do 4 cartwheels.

Does that sound bad to you?
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Post by iamcool »

do u think they would go thru all this for something like that?
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Post by Ziola »

Yes, yes I do. The truly devout do not allow others to sway them in their beliefs or in what they feel needs to happen to further their holiness in the eyes of their god.
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Post by iamcool »

don't they believe in free will instead of going and murdering their parents?

who is this order to think they can take babies from there parents, give them a life and take it away like they have?
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Post by Ziola »

Who says they took the babies away? Why can't it be that their parents gave their children up in order for them to have a better life, in order for them to be truly revered and respected in their religion?

And where is your proof that her father is dead? I have seen no body.
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Post by iamcool »

well they shot him and jonas said they loaded him into the trunk, he may not be dead but they still shot him

and what if they don't want to be respected in the religion? why do the order get to chose what happens in there life?
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Post by Ziola »

Ahh, like all children, they must wait until they are legal adults. That would be 18 in this country.
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Post by iamcool »

shes not going to make it to 18 if she goes thru with the ceremony
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