0121 - "Foosball Battle" [01/24/07]

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Post by looking4answers »

I loved that vid. I couldn't help but dance in my seat while it was playing. :lol:
I also think Bree is gone. I thought that too right away when Jonas brought it up. A part of me hopes she has left so that Jonas and Daniel can get on with their lives and find some real girls. On the other hand, I want something to happen so we can see something interesting instead of all this filler we've been fed. ](*,)
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Post by Macabea13 »

Inigo wrote: The entire first montage, with the William Tell Overture and sped up footage, imitates a famous scene from Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange, were the main character has s e x with two girls, also with sped up footage and the same melody.
Ok you totally rock for noticing that :D Now that you mention it, I love it too, if not out of a slight sense of inadequacy....

I said a while back, but will say it again, I definitely think that the Jonas song was about the forum, and I love the creators for it....

Love the agreed to have a battle reference too.....Ooh it could get literary here.

Just as a side note....Through the Looking Glass ( Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum's actual place in literary history) had a an anacrostic poem in it....should we be on the look out for it? "A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky". See, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alice_Liddell ( props to the earlier unkown source from the last video thread!)

Also, you guys are aware that the comments under the videos at LGPedia are written by fans right?....Oweniscool put in the transcript...see if you can get into his talk page if you think there were secrets in his caption......

edit because I always make at least one mistake, but get irritated when I find it.
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Post by kayokosaeki »

yeah but i dont think jonas's song spells out anything acrostically

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Post by lonelygirl »

subucni wrote:
SharpI wrote:Anyone else think Bree is gone? I think she's fled the house already, but I admit I don't know where she's gone... or how she got away.
I totally agree! It's the first thing that came to mind when Jonas said that he hadn't seen Bree all day.

I thought it was funny he called her "The Breester."

Did anyone else have problems the first time they watched the video? It stopped and started about 6 times when I first saw it. I have DSL too.. so..?
if he hasn't seen bree all day, then he is probably not with the order or otherwise he would have an idea she was gone or at least check up on her to make sure she's still there.
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Post by Macabea13 »

kayokosaeki wrote:yeah but i dont think jonas's song spells out anything acrostically
Definitely not thinking of the song in that statement....but see how it seemed that way. I was more thinking of movie references or number puzzles or of something a bit beyond my powers of recognition.
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Post by mwgraves »

hmmm...I guess I'm gonna have to point out the funny editing mistake...

After the music and the foosball battle Jonas says:

"Ahhh, don't let that...don't let that make ya' sad Yousef."

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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

autumneternal wrote:
Sami wrote:
krmurr87 wrote:really no one is mentioning the fact that Jonas refered to it as a "ride on the d train" ??
I don't get it. :?:
Unless I'm on a different track, (haha, punny :roll:), as krmurr, it could be a reference to the D Train in NYC. Either that, or the music group, D. Train.

Edited once for code, and once for smilies.
I think she meant it in the homosexual sense. It is pretty funny, now that I think about it. :wink:
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I like the idea that Bree ran away again. Never thought of that! Hopefully it will lead to some kind of confrontation with the Order. I'm getting bored already.

Also, about the Jonas song. It was totally weird, I admit. But I really don't think he's a bad guy. I think he knows more than he's letting on. I think he has some kind of secret connection with Tachyon and her followers. That would put him on the anti-Order side, so he wouldn't be betraying Daniel and Bree. But I think there is something there... maybe through his parents. Go to the Opaphid: I in Aphid forum, and read the thread called Jonas/Tachyon connection. It's definitely a valid theory.
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Post by aideen »

nobackspacebutton wrote:
aideen wrote:Video Picture description: Could a member of the Order look that innocent??

Hmm. That's a good question, much like the whole joking thing brought up
Definately the first thing that captured my eye on wikipedia. We really don't know for sure about Jonas' background. Who knows?

Another thing that caught my eye...all those papers in the background. Where are they? What kind of room? There are tons and tons of papers...just piled on top of each other. It seems very disorganised. Was this Jonas' research on his parents, or someone elses' paperwork? What could it be for?

And something else...anyone else notice how dusty that foosball table was? And supposedly they've been using it and using it...maybe its just because Jonas has had it for a long time--but never had anyone to use it until now.

And Bree is hiding out in her room...seems strange. I think Jonas is interested in Bree...and he was feeling out Daniel to see if he still cared about her. I think that if Daniel said he still cared about her, then Jonas wouldn't try to persue Bree, but now that he knows otherwise...will swooning Bree be his next move? Either way, I don't think Bree likes Jonas that much either.

Excellent video, I thought. It just was fun...seemed normal, like a real video...and it showed that they do think about the Order still...but they need to stop playing games and get serious.
:O Those main points are exactly what I thought! Especially the papers, when I was watching it to screencap the vent I noticed all the papers to the left and was like, o_O, but I decided against bringing it up because I figured people would just say it's to show how messy the boys are. But, that much paper, stacked like that? Too weird
kristenjane wrote:That is just a vent. My vents look like that. Maybe they needed heat, or air conditioning. Ours are always open.
Thanks! My imagination goes haywire when the videos look happy ;P
lookinginonyou wrote:
buffyxo wrote:kk I don't know if this has been resolved in the prev. video forum, but with the whole tweedledee tweedledum comment from bree in yesterday's vid bringing up the poem with a battle between tweedledee and tweedledum. did n e one else find it odd that the title was fooseball battle and jonas winning?
I could be completely off the wall so ignore this if it doesnt make sense! :oops:
But in the poem, they both forgot their battle when the black crow came into the picture. But it is interesting that the word Battle was used to describe the video and it's in the poem as well. "They agreed to have a battle." It seems that both boys decided free-willed-ly to battle out on the foosball table.. What's the scare?!?

:shock: They did use the word battle hey. That's a bit too specific to be coincidence
kayokosaeki wrote:
aideen wrote:I think the whole, Jonas singing and what he said, was just him making fun of all the comments he gets. Like, with Daniel and the 17year olds? He's basically singing allthe stuff we reckoned he was up to. You get me?
agreed. jonas always was kinda a voice for us forum people. he was "an observer" once, too, remember.
:D Good old Jonneh. Shame his voice is so ... how can I put this? Off tune? :P But in a good way! -hugs Jonas- I like your voice. Even if it is kinda creepy :/
mwgraves wrote:hmmm...I guess I'm gonna have to point out the funny editing mistake...

After the music and the foosball battle Jonas says:

"Ahhh, don't let that...don't let that make ya' sad Yousef."

"You guys stuck a fish in the face"
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Post by CandyCoated »

The foosball table looks very dusty. I guess the only thing touching it is the ball..but still...it looks odd to me...
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

aideen wrote:
nobackspacebutton wrote:
aideen wrote:Video Picture description: Could a member of the Order look that innocent??

Hmm. That's a good question, much like the whole joking thing brought up
Definately the first thing that captured my eye on wikipedia. We really don't know for sure about Jonas' background. Who knows?

Another thing that caught my eye...all those papers in the background. Where are they? What kind of room? There are tons and tons of papers...just piled on top of each other. It seems very disorganised. Was this Jonas' research on his parents, or someone elses' paperwork? What could it be for?

And something else...anyone else notice how dusty that foosball table was? And supposedly they've been using it and using it...maybe its just because Jonas has had it for a long time--but never had anyone to use it until now.

And Bree is hiding out in her room...seems strange. I think Jonas is interested in Bree...and he was feeling out Daniel to see if he still cared about her. I think that if Daniel said he still cared about her, then Jonas wouldn't try to persue Bree, but now that he knows otherwise...will swooning Bree be his next move? Either way, I don't think Bree likes Jonas that much either.

Excellent video, I thought. It just was fun...seemed normal, like a real video...and it showed that they do think about the Order still...but they need to stop playing games and get serious.
:O Those main points are exactly what I thought! Especially the papers, when I was watching it to screencap the vent I noticed all the papers to the left and was like, o_O, but I decided against bringing it up because I figured people would just say it's to show how messy the boys are. But, that much paper, stacked like that? Too weird

I definately think Jonas needs to tell us what those papers are, or D-dogg needs to take a look at them. He's so good with breaking and entering..and sneaking about...why can't he just get up in the middle of the night while everyone is 'asleep' and check out the papers? If Jonas catches him, he could always just lie and say he was going to practice some foosball.

I don't think the numbers in the vid hold any special meaning..there weren't enough and the orders didn't change...I think it was just to show that Jonas is winning.

The song could be Jonas' way of telling Daniel the truth, withou actually telling him. Since they have become good friends, Jonas could feel guilty about actually kidnapping them and he feel as though he needs to be honest.

On the other hand though, it could just be his way of making fun of everyone here saying he isn't trust worthy.
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Post by gogo »

Inigo wrote:The entire first montage, with the William Tell Overture and sped up footage, imitates a famous scene from Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange, were the main character has s e x with two girls, also with sped up footage and the same melody.
In addition to A Clockwork Orange, the William Tell Overture has also been used in scenes from the following two films:
Crimewave, a silly slapstick film from 1985 based on Three Stooges script. And more notably, The Butcher Boy, a dark award-winning film from 1997 film based on a novel by Patrick McCabe. Just thought I would mention them since people have been pointing to films.

However, since Daniel discusses his editing in the description, this music would probably just follow the typical use of the William Tell Overture as seen in various Bugs Bunny cartoons, television shows and TV commercials.

(Oh and regarding the Kubric film and the use of the song in a scene about sex, I guess foosball is really the only "action" that Daniel has had in quite a while...)
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Post by ericski »

SharpI wrote:Anyone else think Bree is gone? I think she's fled the house already, but I admit I don't know where she's gone... or how she got away. Because if Jonas left keys, credcards, etc. lying around AGAIN, then... that wouldn't be by accident.

I guess it's possible that she figured out a way to contact RandomGirl and got a ride?

Love this video! The boys are cute and actually talk (even joke) about the stuff that should be on their minds...
i was thinking the next bree video would be of her talking about the career suggestions she asked folks to send her. maybe she'll stick around till then before she runs off and becomes a carnie.
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Post by Beckers »

Bree better not run away again...she will get further with daniels help. Why is she being so stupid and not seeing that?
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Post by watermelonhead »

I hope bree is gone for good. Oh yeah, that american idol chick needs to come back. or maybe even gemma. I wonder where gemma is nowadays
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