Inigo wrote:
The entire first montage, with the William Tell Overture and sped up footage, imitates a famous scene from Stanley Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange, were the main character has s e x with two girls, also with sped up footage and the same melody.
Ok you totally rock for noticing that

Now that you mention it, I love it too, if not out of a slight sense of inadequacy....
I said a while back, but will say it again, I definitely think that the Jonas song was about the forum, and I love the creators for it....
Love the agreed to have a battle reference too.....Ooh it could get literary here.
Just as a side note....Through the Looking Glass ( Tweedle Dee & Tweedle Dum's actual place in literary history) had a an anacrostic poem in it....should we be on the look out for it? "A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky". See, ( props to the earlier unkown source from the last video thread!)
Also, you guys are aware that the comments under the videos at LGPedia are written by fans right?....Oweniscool put in the transcript...see if you can get into his talk page if you think there were secrets in his caption......
edit because I always make at least one mistake, but get irritated when I find it.