Puzzle Solving Exercise Thread
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- Lonely Fan
- Posts: 144
- Joined: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:40 pm
Since the largest number is 8 and Courier New is a fixed width font I divided the message into groups of 8 letters (removing all spaces and punctuation). There just so happened to be 40 of them, the same number of the number of characters in the code and so I took one letter from each set of eight according to the code and got:acidfingers wrote: Ok, so I figured I'd post a puzzle now. This one will hopefully get people thinking outside of the box.
After reading through OpAphid's YT profile again I discovered there was a secret message hidden in it. The key that I discovered was:It only applied to this part of her profile though:Code: Select all
Hint: What is the largest number in the key?Historically it is important to note, however, that most Emperors and politicians enjoyed their greatest triumphs when the forums remained largely unaware of their actions, and did not inquire about their intentions. But Nomanyuos, like most philosophers, had virtually no wealth, power or influence. Would you find it coincidental that history is full of "populists" with similar views?
I would recommend using the font Courier New.
Code: Select all
Code: Select all
clone mats her full taste is not sane flint rusts
- Lonely Fan
- Posts: 144
- Joined: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:40 pm
Good job sparkyb. I actually just had to do this as a homework problem in one of my classes, so I tried to make a quick puzzle out of it. Problem was trying to make a legitimate message out of it. So instead I just made whatever words I could that were actual words.
I suppose I could have then fed it through a vigenere cipher to get what I wanted, but oh well.
I suppose I could have then fed it through a vigenere cipher to get what I wanted, but oh well.
[13:09:39] <marlasinger> acid's like a pussy sore, if you keep playing with it it just gets worse.
Wait, I swear I tried that last night and got a string of 319 letters, not 320 as it should if it was 40*8... I guess if you keep the question mark at the end it fits. grrr... ok, good job Sparky. Got anything?sparkyb wrote:...groups of 8 letters (removing all spaces and punctuation). There just so happened to be 40 of them...
Last edited by deagol on Wed Jan 24, 2007 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
sphinx wrote:deagol wrote:Liar!acidfingers wrote:...Problem was trying to make a legitimate message out of it. So instead I just made whatever words I could that were actual words.
Take the last letter of each word:
clonE matS heR fulL tastE iS noT sanE flinT rustS
hahah, deagol. You are such a b-a-m-f.
<DTayl> actually i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
<DTayl> i drink, i stay out too late, i swear, i'm mean, i spend too much money and i got a tattoo
<DTayl> Laura turned 9
<DTayl> i'm the bad sister
- Lonely Fan
- Posts: 144
- Joined: Thu Oct 12, 2006 1:40 pm
Doing it in my mind as I type, should be:acidfingers wrote:Good call Deagol!
I guess I'll just post quickies until someone else posts a puzzle.
Get a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.
Draw a 4x4 grid
How many squares do you see?
1^2 + 2^2 + 3^2 + 4^2 = 1+4+9+16, whatever that is... ok it's 30.
Ok, I'm working on a pretty nice one, need another hour or so to double check everything. In the meantime, how about a 4-unit sided triangle grid? How many triangles? And a 5-unit sided triangle?
Alright, I've worked on this since monday so I want it to last more than a day, hoping to reach the weekend. Thus, I won't be giving any major hints until then. Here goes:
Driving directions for "the middle of nowhere" (Jonastown?)
City, ST Zip (?)
From: 'z'
To: 'a'
aaahhhgg I'm lost!!1!12!asd;flkjas;dlkjf
Driving directions are supposed to tell you where to turn, what road to take and stuff... wtf is this?
Driving directions for "the middle of nowhere" (Jonastown?)
City, ST Zip (?)
From: 'z'
To: 'a'
Code: Select all
_ _ _ _ _ _
a\ b\ \c\ d\ \e \f g h\ i\ \j
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
_ _ _ _
k l\ m\ \n \o p\ \q r \s t
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
_ _ _ _ _ _
\u \v w\ x\ y\ z 0\ \1 2
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
3 4 5 6 7\ \8 9
¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯
Driving directions are supposed to tell you where to turn, what road to take and stuff... wtf is this?
In light of this morning's video from OpAphid, I'd like to attach the following disclaimer to the previous post:
Any information about Jonas' location derived from this puzzle's results are entirely made up by me, and any similarities with "real" lonelygirl15 characters, locations, or videos are purely coincidental and unintentional. I have no relation with the persons or companies involved in the production of the lonelygirl15 and other character's videos, or the lonelygirl15.com website, nor with youtube.com or revver.com. I have no idea what the location of this supposed drop could be, except that it's probably one of the locations mentioned in the most recent OpAphid video. I have no clue if Daniel's "fake" id shows his "real" name, or even if his "real" name is Daniel. I do believe the real name of the actor playing that character is Yousef. I've read his last name somewhere, but can't remember it at the moment.
It's still kinda cool that I can channel Op like that, right when they were probably making the last minute edits on that video.
Any information about Jonas' location derived from this puzzle's results are entirely made up by me, and any similarities with "real" lonelygirl15 characters, locations, or videos are purely coincidental and unintentional. I have no relation with the persons or companies involved in the production of the lonelygirl15 and other character's videos, or the lonelygirl15.com website, nor with youtube.com or revver.com. I have no idea what the location of this supposed drop could be, except that it's probably one of the locations mentioned in the most recent OpAphid video. I have no clue if Daniel's "fake" id shows his "real" name, or even if his "real" name is Daniel. I do believe the real name of the actor playing that character is Yousef. I've read his last name somewhere, but can't remember it at the moment.
It's still kinda cool that I can channel Op like that, right when they were probably making the last minute edits on that video.