deagol wrote:nobackspacebutton wrote:87 104 111 32 105 115 32 119 97 116 99 104 105 110 103 32 99 97 115 115 105 101 32 119 104 105 108 101 32 119 101 32 97 114 101 32 119 97 116 99 104 105 110 103 32 104 101 114 63 32 73 115 32 115 104 101 32 114 101 115 116 105 110 103 32 111 114 32 109 101 114 101 108 121 32 104 105 100 100 101 110 63
Decimal to ascii:
"Who is watching cassie while we are watching her? Is she resting or merely hidden?"
Ok here's my challenge, more in Tachyon/brother style:
This is all I want to say:<br>
<img src="UOAZGBZRCJPRQUTT" alt="You know, I've never lost in mortal combat."><br>
<font color="b2c703">For the key, just retrace my steps:</font><br>
<font color="c7247d">I just cast an evil spell</font><br>
<font color="6f7c38">then coltrans with the old area code 'i' used.</font><br>
<font color="2c205c">no spaces allowed!</font><br>
Now, just look at it... remember ND p114<br>
read it out loud, write it down</font><br>
Got it? Great, now rip her out! (Traveler J would get it LOL)<br>
The html is supposed to work in a craigslist post. Enjoy!
First off, retrace my steps means go backwards. So run the hex code in the font colors thru the Columnar Transpostion with 213 as the key.
2bc703c7247d6f7c382c205c = 2b34287c2d7c602f307c5c7c
evil spell = hex
2b34287c2d7c602f307c5c7c = +4(|-|`/0|\|
the symbols spell out TACHYON, which is our key
run UOAZGBZRCJPRQUTT through a Vigenere Cipher with TACHYON as the key and you get:
boysinmychitchat = boys in my chit chat
EDIT: Puzzle wasn't finished, so here is the rest;
CUT HER OUT = remove the letters Tachyon (the ever present HER) and you get bysimchit. WHICH IS A @#%$%@# ANAGRAM.
The ANAGRAM is IS MY BITCH, and put Tachyon at the beginning and you get deagols favorite fantasy
Shifty can take my turn posting a puzzle, I don't wanna after all that