0100 "Bree Phone Home" [12/18/06]

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Post by imogene2004 »

kayokosaeki wrote:
imogene2004 wrote:Ok does anyone else think it's kinda odd that the title of this video is "Bree Phone Home" :?: Did she call home? She was calling friends and family, but the title is "Bree Phone Home" :smt017
just a comical reference to ET? :smt102
Maybe :-s , but then again it could mean something, couldn't it? :-k
some kinda clue we're not picking up on. Ok I'm probably reading way too much into it.
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Post by kayokosaeki »

spaciegirlreturn wrote: Do you think that putting that dorky smiley face after your passive-aggressive remarks makes you less of a prick?
haha! no offence to anyone else, but that remark is classic
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Post by robtomorrow »

kayokosaeki wrote:
spaciegirlreturn wrote: Do you think that putting that dorky smiley face after your passive-aggressive remarks makes you less of a prick?
haha! no offence to anyone else, but that remark is classic
That's why we love spaciegirl
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Post by Luv2Skydive »

imogene2004 wrote:
kayokosaeki wrote:
imogene2004 wrote:Ok does anyone else think it's kinda odd that the title of this video is "Bree Phone Home" :?: Did she call home? She was calling friends and family, but the title is "Bree Phone Home" :smt017
just a comical reference to ET? :smt102
I KNEW Scientology was involved somehow! :wink:
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Post by arammat »

iamcool wrote:
arammat wrote:
JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:Okay, everyone keeps asking about Frank.

The Frank thing evolved towards the end of CiW.
Here is his blog:
...I can't find his youtube?
He got upset when LG15 fans started talking to him, and he yelled about us being fake and stuff. I remember he came into a chat drunk at one point. Then CiW made a video with the painting of the two clowns, and Frank freaked out about how we stole the painting. I think he thought we made the CiW videos and he was having major paranoid breakdowns. You can find the old threads the the CiW section and all his old posts on that blog site. I don't see it now, but for a little while there was a new blog that said something about choosing a side, in reference to OpAphid, so that was pretty weird. Uhmm anything else I missed, I'm sure you'll find in the threads.

God I miss that stuff. =(
Was it http://everythingcoverges.blogspot.com/ ? I have that bookmark right under Frank's other bookmark, but I get NotFound now. I'm not sure that was the right name of the blog, though.
arramant... that was lyn's blog
Lyn as in Ms Kelly and the Home School Aggregate Online? I'm suprised they pulled that down so quickly. Of course, that storyline was over. Sorry this ended up being totally off-topic.
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Post by arammat »

wintermute wrote:
nobackspacebutton wrote:
Ruberic wrote:LOL...I didn't t hink so either Wintermute...but I do recall Bree saying SOMETHING about how she feels her animals relate to her. I wanted to prove the other individual wrong...but can't find the video she was referring to.

Bree: "I know that I play with stuffed animals a lot, but, right now, it's the only thing that keeps me happy."
I think Ruberic was talking about an early video where Bree might indicate that the animals actually communicate back. I don't recall, but it would probably be some off-handed remark that would be typical imaginary-friend type of stuff that didn't mean anything more at the time, but would have deeper meaning now that some suspect the animals of being bugged (or worse).

Someone might have brought this up already, as I haven't read to the end yet, but what about the video where she talks about them being imaginary friends and Lucy saying it's a good idea to have imaginary friends? What does she say specifically in that video?
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Post by arammat »

rodrigogar wrote:well, bree and dad talked about those authors...

chances are they have some of those books at home (of course they do).

Someone mention Bree needs to go back home and check it out...

how about...

daniel said he found something but wasnt gonna tell yet until later. Maybe daniel did find some books out of place and maybe some info inside of them.... how about that?
And where the heck is Daniel? He said he thought he found something four days ago, and no word? Has he been captured by the Order? Why hasn't he made a new video? (Well, ok, I know he's on vacation, but I mean in the story.)
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Post by arammat »

wintermute wrote:
Lurker wrote:That's exactly what I'm talking about right there. Covedweller wasn't attacking you. He/she noticed a humorous correlation between your attitude to the situation and battered wife syndrome and was pointing it out in a funny way. It was a joke (given away by all the laughing emoticons if nothing else) that you took as an attack on your way of living.
You assume too much, Lurker. Yeah, Covedweller ticked me off. But he backed off after I made it clear that I didn't find it funny. And FWIW, just because some people think it's funny doesn't mean it's not an attack... But it's not he that I was referring to. Unless you're seen the PM's that I got for having a dissenting opinion, be careful about making assumptions.

'mute, I also thought you were referring to covedweller. Since you mentioned nothing about PMs in your message and you did have some words with covedweller on the forum, it was a logical conclusion to make.
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Post by arammat »

Annabelle wrote:I have a feeling that this video made Cassie fans collectively org.. well, I have a feeling it made Cassie fans very, very happy. :lol:

However, I'm not a Cassie fan, and honestly found this video not particularly.. interesting. Pretty boring actually.. I mean.. seriously, calling random "family members"? Why would she need to use caller ID block if she was going to tell them who she was anyway? ... Bree, silly girl, you're on the right track.. you know, not just sitting around whining.. but let's use our brain, shall we?
It makes perfect sense. She's not really sure who she can and can't trust. So she calls relatives hoping to get a lead on her parents, but blocks caller ID just in case any of her relatives are in league with the Order, so they can't track her through the phone number.
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Post by Blackburne »

:o I'm only breaking my silence to propose to spaciegirl.

Carry on.

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Post by LadyBugGirl »

spaciegirlreturn wrote:Wintermute is 100% correct. I am sooo effin' pissed!! All the fans are being had. They're deliberately making fun of us and f*cking with us. Don't you guys get it?!

and welcome back spaciegirl
A crazy person doesn't really lose his mind, it just becomes something more entertaining-George Carlin

Post by Lurker »

twjaniak wrote:
girlAnachronism wrote:spaciegirlreturn, what makes you so sure CiW had inside information? Just curious. *missed the CiW phenomenon*
CiW knew the locations featured in Swimming! and In the Park before it was public knowledge.
That might be a good point. Though I think I can remember some speculation -- even before the CiW vids started -- of the locations in "Swimming!" (based on the foliage of all things) that turned out to be pretty close, you're definitely right that CiW was the first to publically identify the exact area. And even though that was a full two weeks after "Swimming!", the "When I Get To The Bottom Where I Stop" vid came out only four days after "In The Park," so who knows. I still think it could have just been a fan who lived in the area and recognized it all, but I admit it would be pretty ironic if -- of all fans -- CiW was the first to identify those places.

I can see the argument for this making CiW look suspiciously connected, but, if it was in any way connected to the Creators, I don't think they had an actual hand in the production, nor would they have overseen it. Obviously they would have vetoed the Tate image (makes no sense that they would have let the vid upload with that image and then immediately come on this website to announce CiW as non-canon), and -- even more obviously -- they wouldn't have used their limited resources up over the course of three more weeks of CiW vids and correspondence (especially since CiW was only five days old at that time anyway) if they intended to drop it.

I can see both sides of this, really. It's certainly suspicious how CiW knew what those places were first, but I really don't think the Creators were "behind it," so to speak. Spacie suggested that, at the least, the creator of CiW had some inside info, but I'd say "at the most" myself. It just doesn't make sense for Miles and those guys to have used up more of their resources when they were already working on a tight budget -- especially after they'd already proclaimed CiW as non-canon. But I can definitely see the possibility that an acquaintence of one or all of them might have independently gone about jacking their character and creating this whole awkward situation.
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Post by arammat »

Annabelle wrote:
SharpI wrote:
Annabelle wrote: I mean.. seriously, calling random "family members"? Why would she need to use caller ID block if she was going to tell them who she was anyway? ... Bree, silly girl, you're on the right track.. you know, not just sitting around whining.. but let's use our brain, shall we?
Um, Caller ID Block disguises where you're calling from, not who you are.
Uh, since when? The point of caller ID block is that their caller ID will not show.. the ID.. of the caller. As in who's calling. As in.. their name..
She's not using her own phone, Annabelle. It would show Jonas's name, and a reverse directory would give them her location. That's why she needs to block caller ID

Post by covedweller »

spaciegirlreturn wrote:
covedweller wrote:
spaciegirlreturn wrote:Wintermute is 100% correct. I am sooo effin' pissed!! All the fans are being had. They're deliberately making fun of us and f*cking with us. Don't you guys get it?!
Shouldn't you be holding a candlelight vigil in Second Life right now waiting for your girlfriend to come back? :lol:
Do you think that putting that dorky smiley face after your passive-aggressive remarks makes you less of a prick?
No...it's just a small representation of the way many of us are laughing at you, clown shoe.

Welcome back, by the way. Your self righteous and arrogant return shows that you're even a bigger crybaby and attention whore than we all thought you were when you stormed off like a bratty and pathetic drama queen...what, like, two weeks ago?

Go start your own Cassie forum if you wanna defend the one who loved you and left you. Maybe there you can actually get your old screen name back? :lol:

These parts of the forums are for discussing the CANON Cassie.

You know, CANON. Like lonelygirl15, danielbeast, jonastko, gemmers19, OpAphid, and Tachyon.

cassieiswatching is--oh pardon me, WAS--FAN FICTION, and I believe the section for Cassie Is Watching/itscassie is at the VERY BOTTOM of the forums here.

It's right next to the Spam and Rubbish Bin, so I'm sure you'll fit right in. :lol:

edited to remove references to walking pairs of wizard sleeves, deragatory comparisons to the girl in the wheelchair on Different Strokes who used to freak me out, and stories about where Spaciegirl's key has been and why she probably shouldn't put it in her mouth. And a fourth time to close an italic tag! :lol:
Last edited by covedweller on Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:07 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by arammat »

JustAnotherLonelyGirl. wrote:
Absynth wrote:
Lurker wrote: She's asking as though she's repeating a question they asked her. Just before that she says "Excuse me? Ohh umm...". And then notice that "Uhhh" look she gets on her face right after, as though she's trying to think of some way to answer.
ty for relaying my little transcript for me, it amazes me how some poeple dont read a thread before they ask qeustions that have been answered a dozen times

edit:see my post last page
edited again cuz i can spell
thanks, i did read the thread. all of it.
i just misunderstood what bree meant.
it's amazing how many people bitch about others not reading the threads. if someone asks a question you don't want to answer, don't. certainly do not talk to them disrespectfully. it's completely unnecessary. it takes less words to just answer the question. we are all busy and we all make mistakes or misunderstand things. i can't stand when people make me look or feel stupid, and i'm sure no one else can either. why make enemies?

and thanks to Lurker for not being a dickhead.
If it makes you feel any better JALG, I thought the same thing when I listened to the video. My interpretatiion was that she was asking someone about how another ceremony in some other part of the world went. I'd have to listen to the video again before I would be sure one way or the other. And you are certainly right that no one should be rude to people who ask questions. If it is such an inconvenience for a particular person to answer a question, then don't. There are dozens of people here who will be nice enough to do so without making the person feel bad.
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