spaciegirlreturn wrote:covedweller wrote:spaciegirlreturn wrote:Wintermute is 100% correct. I am sooo effin' pissed!! All the fans are being had. They're deliberately making fun of us and f*cking with us. Don't you guys get it?!
Shouldn't you be holding a candlelight vigil in Second Life right now waiting for your girlfriend to come back?

Do you think that putting that dorky smiley face after your passive-aggressive remarks makes you less of a prick?'s just a small representation of the way many of us are laughing at you, clown shoe.
Welcome back, by the way. Your self righteous and arrogant return shows that you're even a bigger crybaby and attention whore than we all thought you were when you stormed off like a bratty and pathetic drama queen...what, like, two weeks ago?
Go start your own Cassie forum if you wanna defend the one who loved you and left you. Maybe there you can actually get your old screen name back?
These parts of the forums are for discussing the CANON Cassie.
You know, CANON. Like lonelygirl15, danielbeast, jonastko, gemmers19, OpAphid, and Tachyon.
cassieiswatching is--oh pardon me, WAS--FAN FICTION, and I believe the section for Cassie Is Watching/itscassie is at the VERY BOTTOM of the forums here.
It's right next to the Spam and Rubbish Bin, so I'm sure you'll fit right in.
edited to remove references to walking pairs of wizard sleeves, deragatory comparisons to the girl in the wheelchair on Different Strokes who used to freak me out, and stories about where Spaciegirl's key has been and why she probably shouldn't put it in her mouth. And a fourth time to close an italic tag!