Around here we all orbit in a perfect circle

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S is for Summer
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Around here we all orbit in a perfect circle

Post by S is for Summer »

"Around here we orbit the sun in a perfect circle, Or we dont orbit at all." <-- from the sped-up portion of "Poor Pluto."

Anyone care to discuss this? It jumped out at me a bit, and I've done some googling, but haven't discovered anything too remarkable yet. (If this has already been talked out/decided, please forgive. I'm new. :) )

It just seems like an interesting phrase, and interesting that it was sped up like that, but still included. Seems an awful lot like a clue to me.

I did find this in Wikipedia's One Ring entry:
Frodo accidentally puts the ring on at Bree as he fell off a table while performing a song in the common room of the inn.
which I thought was interesting :) but nothing else has come up that gives any credence to that being related.

There was also this in the discussion thread for the Pluto vid on this board:
GimmeYourForever wrote:a quote from a website on Thelema I found
The basics of Thelema are usually put forward “in a nutshell” in the following sentences:

- “Every man and every woman is a star”

This refers to that every human being is an individual and that each individual has their own path to follow in the universe. Each individual follows his/her own path freely without colliding with other human being’s paths.
Mention on a few Thelemic related sites points to a perfect circle being representative of a woman/the feminine (I'm looking for a concise statement to that effect to quote; should I find it I'll edit it in.) which I think is part of why the phrase jumped out at me; I think I recall something about it from my days of dabbling in Wicca. (Wow the memory goes fast!)

I also thought it might be a reference to something out of an A Perfect Circle song, but haven't come up with anything yet that seems particularly pertinent.

This link came up somehow in my wanderings, I can't figure out how now because I must have opened it in a new tab and closed the old. But it's got some very interesting stuff about Thelema/stars, and even a bit about the circle.

The part about "or we don't orbit at all" makes me curious.

I don't know. It's very early in the morning and I haven't slept yet. :)

I'm just curious about this (I think) clue and haven't seen much discussion of it.
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Post by Plurp »

Maybe I'm being too literal.

Pluto's orbit is highly noncircular (its orbit comes inside of Neptune's at one point). The other planets (interior to Pluto) have almost perfectly circular orbits, presumably because they've been orbiting the Sun long enough to have been pulled into almost circular orbits whereas Pluto has not.

Bree was off on a metaphor of Pluto being ostracized from its former peer group. "Around here we do X perfectly or we don't do it at all" seems like just the kind of catty thing that a high school clique member would say to an interloper.

So I interpreted it as Bree being fairly knowledgeable about the planets, but not necessarily providing a clue.
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Post by JCA »

"rings" jumped out at me the most from the Pluto vid
Pluto's old frinds had 'em...his new ones won't...Bree really stressed that
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Post by kalli182 »

The only thing that comes to my mind with reference to the new friends not having rings is that it was noted that Bree's dad was not wearing a wedding ring....maybe her religion doesn't include wedding rings..and if there a wedding at all? So that would bean the new friends (after she has her ceremony perhaps) don't have rings.....

i dunno
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Post by JCA »

i found something

i found reference to a tarot card
"There is one card with a guy on it wearing a robe with no rings..."

and the answer that was given was it is The Hierophant
looking that up i found


getting an education
pursuing knowledge
becoming informed
increasing understanding
studying and learning
seeking a deeper meaning
finding out more

having a belief system
sharing a cultural heritage
learning a religious tradition
honoring ritual and ceremony
identifying a world view
following a discipline
knowing where to put your faith

following the rules
taking an orthodox approach
staying within conventional bounds
adapting to the system
fitting in
going along with the program
doing what's expected
being part of the Establishment

identifying with a group
being committed to a cause
devoting energy to a group
joining an organization
working as part of a team
feeling loyal to others
being in an institutionalized setting"

and also
"In most designs, the Hierophant is seen seated on a throne between two pillars symbolizing law and liberty or obedience and disobedience, according to different interpretations. He wears the triple crown, and the keys to heaven are at his feet."
S is for Summer
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Post by S is for Summer »

Oooh, nice work, JCA!
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