The No Longer Official ARG

The Creators tell us OpAphid is no more. Read up on what made it great and relive old memories here.

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The No Longer Official ARG

Post by milowent »

what happens to this section of the forum? Seems like it should at least be moved to the bottom of the board, below fanfic, at least for now.

Post by Lurker »

Begs the question of how you'd classify it at this point too. It's sure as heck not fanfiction. I guess the whole section should probably be preserved in some fashion, but not in an area labeled "fanfiction."
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

I think the names of the sections could be kept the same, just change "The Official ARG of LG15" to "OpAphid: the unofficial but better than fanfic thingermabobber." or something.
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Post by fuzzy_bunny85 »

Uh WTF? I left for like a month... what happened! Well, maybe more than a month... no more Tachyon? no more brother? wha-what?

Bummer. LG sucks now.
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Post by Morgan »

Yeah, I was wondering what the Creators meant by "there will be no stand alone ARG". Was that just their way of saying OpAphid won't be official even if it continues as "fanfiction"?

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Post by mourningbelle »

I think it just means that they're going to try to integrate puzzles and arg-ish stuff into lg15, but officially there won't be another seperate game involved with the series like OpAphid was.
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Post by fuzzy_bunny85 »

So, I had an idea, which I'm sure has been kicked around already...

Since there are sooo many Op fans, what if the creator of Op kept on making puzzles and storylines, with the characters he created, bu that didn't involve BD&J.

The first ones didn't really have to do with them anyways. And it could have it's own, separate, LG style forum and stuff. Since it wouldn't have to be PG anymore, there would be alot more potential plot twists.

That is, if he's not totally burned out on the OpAphid thing. I don't know how to express interest directly, but if anyone does, someone should plead and beg for the game back... because its a waste to throw away something of this shear awesomeness.
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Post by ShardinsKitten »

mourningbelle wrote:I think it just means that they're going to try to integrate puzzles and arg-ish stuff into lg15, but officially there won't be another seperate game involved with the series like OpAphid was.

This just totally sucks. Don't be expecting too many puzzles and stuff. The creators said that puzzles and arg elements are the last thing on their list of priorities. Which is also why I'm so mad they made HoO turn over the info. Gah
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Post by Killthesmiley »

I'm so mad they made HoO turn over the info.
They didn't make te owners hand over the information. They asked for it to be handed over, but if not, it would be known as fanfic, and the web site was theirs

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Post by Luv2Luvem »

fuzzy_bunny85 wrote:So, I had an idea, which I'm sure has been kicked around already...

Since there are sooo many Op fans, what if the creator of Op kept on making puzzles and storylines, with the characters he created, bu that didn't involve BD&J.

The first ones didn't really have to do with them anyways. And it could have it's own, separate, LG style forum and stuff. Since it wouldn't have to be PG anymore, there would be alot more potential plot twists.

That is, if he's not totally burned out on the OpAphid thing. I don't know how to express interest directly, but if anyone does, someone should plead and beg for the game back... because its a waste to throw away something of this shear awesomeness.
I've been secretly hoping for this for a while now. :lol:
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Post by Luminous »

fuzzy_bunny85 wrote: I don't know how to express interest directly, but if anyone does, someone should plead and beg for the game back... because its a waste to throw away something of this shear awesomeness.
Write to him and tell him how you feel. I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

Here is his myspace URL. Submit a friend request, and tell him how you feel.

I suspect he can still be reached through the following YouTube Accounts:

And, I don't know this for a fact, but I suspect he can be reached at

[email protected] (this is most likely a "catch all" email account. Anything addressed to will probably get to him.)
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Post by Danielle »


thats all i got folks.
creators, you have dispointed me.
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Post by Jewelybug »

Danielle wrote::(

thats all i got folks.
creators, you have dispointed me.
Yeah :( One step above the rubbish bin. its sad really.
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Post by sasa »

the opaphid videos were the reason i even got into lg15.
is it just op that's gone, or is it tachy and brother too?
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Post by Ziola »

All 3 of them are gone...
It's official!! I'm getting married September 28, 2007!!
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