Spring fever? or a clever ruse?

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Spring fever? or a clever ruse?

Post by Ravensnow27 »

I never really had anything against DB and Alex hooking up but then again I like the idea of Jonas and Bree but when I saw DB and Alex actually being all flirty I didn't like it. Not one bit. Something is just not right.

I think possibly that Alex is drawing DB in to get him away from Bree so that her nephew and Bree can be alone together. Shes like a decoy or something. I still thinks theres a significant reason for the order to push Bree and Jonas together, maybe they didn't realize it in the begining but are taking advantage of circumstance. Be it that they may be related or maybe even Jonas is a key part to the ceremony that just hadn't been involved yet. Bree didn't know diddly about the ceremony until AFTER she decided not to do it. Isn't it feasible that Jonas wasn't clued in?

Where did all his money come from? I mean I know he got it after his parents died but how did they make their money. Its order money and they could prolly take it away if they wanted to but no, they want to keep them going its just that pesky Beast keeps gettin in the way. What are they going to do!? Then its like, "oh this is too good, they show up at Alexs, lets just get her to take care of him." The order is all like "yay they solved our problem for us, we'll just send Alex out to distract DB."

I feel that the order has had their eye on Jonas for some time, he just didn't know it (or maybe he does) and Alex may be conflicted but I still think shes workin for the order.

Its be gone over before but thoughts anyone?
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Re: Spring fever? or a clever ruse?

Post by Spades »

I think a part of what you are saying
Ravensnow27 wrote: I think possibly that Alex is drawing DB in to get him away from Bree so that her nephew and Bree can be alone together.
can explain why the Order has not made its move yet.

They have yet to actually hold any member of DBJ for more than a week, or even to catch them at all. They might be waiting for that perfect moment.

Perhaps Jonas is bad (always had a weird feeling about him), or he is valuable to the order, and just want to get bree and jonas at once. Or, this is the first part of a larger plan to split them all up.

Do not be suprised if out of no where, Jonas has a chance to see his parents. If it comes now, it is a trap, a diversion to split them up. If not this, and this all is part of a plan to seperate them, Jonas might be called away for another reason. He must not go, hell, no one should go unless together. Strength in numbers.

All three of them should not split up so often, as well as leave bree all by herself do they can go barhopping. Even in their last capture, all three of them were at the gas station, but in seperate areas, making an easier time for the bad guy.

I have a bad feeling about this. A really bad feeling.

I hope it is nothing.
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Post by Ravensnow27 »

Yeah thats what I'm sayin, the order is waitin on more than Bree to make up her mind and freewill blah blah blah....theres something going on with Jonas and Alex is there to distract

I know what ya mean, I LOVE Jonas dont get me wrong but theres something not right about that boy....

They shouldn't be splittin up, for any reason, seriously, if I were any one of them I would NEVER want to be alone esp. if i were Bree
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Post by epogen »

the way i see it there are a couple possibilities here, i can definitely see that bree getting "close" with jonas could be a ruse to get her to overcome her opposition to the ceremony, inspiring the free will aspect. for example, if she gets really close to jonas and then discovers that he can never see his parents unless she does the ceremony(, or if they are siblings and she must now cleanse herself with the ceremony to resolve all the icky feelings she developed for jonas :D j /k)

but i can also see how the order would find daniel to be pretty big obstacle to their plans, they've spied on him, kidnapped him, drugged him and still nothing. the beast must be neutralized and if alex is bad then she is a pretty good way to do it, since we have seen that his weakness is alcohol and women. that could be the focus instead of jonas and bree. if he was brainwashed back when they did the spin art on him, alex could be his trigger, or could be finalizing the process or whatever.

the other thing i have been tossing around is that jonas really is part of the anti-order resistance and he is trying to secure his alliance with bree, for some reason or another. maybe bree's father was who motivated him to become involved with the couple or something.

i dunno, it could just be that the forum members seemed to like alex and hate that bree kept dissing daniel and that they just decided to go with it too.
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Post by only1 »

It's kinda weird. I thought Alex's story would pretty much go how it has been... that she was kinda used by the Order and is really good... but this thread has me thinking...

then there's the post in Bree's characters section...


weird stuff...
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