Not to rain on your parade, but the viewer numbers do not support this assertion, either on YT or Revver. They definitely created a large buzz here on the phorums among ARG phans but saying they resulted in the largest number of views is not correct, even given the shoddy metrics associated with YT.Jewelybug wrote: Not to mention that his videos are always highest viewed
The majority of the LG vids are viewed on YT and if you check the viewer stats you will see that my premise is supported by the numbers. Glenn's vids appealed to a very vocal, but actually fairly small number of the total LG viewership. Sorry, but the numbers don't lie.
The Creators did the right thing if they got rid of some kind of deviant who targeted young girls. This is in no way a reflection of his talent, just the facts surrounding his firing.
I personally enjoyed some of his vids, but having someone asking for nude photos from phans is absolutely reprehensible and suicide for a professional production. Good riddance.