ladron121 wrote:If Bree was able to just have Tachyon come pick her up, that means that she has a way to contact her that we don't know about yet. It could be as simple as her sending an e-mail over YouTube, or she may have a direct phone # for Tach.
Ok, this makes absolutely no sense. Tachyon has sent out PMs that she is too busy to help the kids when they really need her, but then turns around and meets up with Bree for some "girl time".
I'm really starting to get angry at this crap.
ladron121 wrote:Tachyon now knows where Jonas' aunt lives, and has been there. Why didn't he show her the "scrapbook" that his aunt put together and all the other info he has about The Order?
Why would he do that? They have to stretch the never progressing story out for at least 5 more videos until we even get to that. GAH.
ladron121 wrote:Why are Jonas and Daniel so laid back about Bree running off w/ Tachyon. I know she helped them, and is anti-Order, but the reason they are helping her is to protect her. Seems kinda odd that they would just let her get out of reach like that.
Heh... I'd be happy to be rid of her too.
ladron121 wrote:Also, I am still convinced that Daniel had his head messed with. He is acting extremely goofy.
Yeah he's had his head messed with, but Daniel's always been an uber dork -- part of his charm.
ladron121 wrote:Anyways, I'm hoping all this = drop this week, so we can have something to do

ladron121 wrote:Things seem to have shifted. Jonas and Daniel are getting all the drops now.
ladron121 wrote:How cool would it have been to have one of us go out, find that "mission statement" that Jonas' parents wrote, and then find the "scrapbook" and make the connection to the initials ourselves?
There are so many opportunities that the Creators and the PM are missing to get us back into this full force. I fear even the new OpAphid event that the PM is supposed to be working on may not be enough. It better be awesome

Honestly, I can't see a drop happening anytime soon -- Bree is with Tachyon, Brother is out of hiding flying helicopters, none of the kids have dropped anything lately. I have a feeling we're going to get a puzzle just for the sake of a puzzle, and it won't mean a damn thing.
We haven't been given ANY plot development at all regarding Oppy, Tachy and Brother and to throw a drop or a puzzle in now would just be pandering to our boredom.
I'm past disappointment here. I'm disgusted by how the ARG's fans have been treated.
And finally, after watching this video I yawned, and then wished I could send the actress playing Aunt Alex some of these: