200 Lakeview Terrace
Princeton NJ 08540
Inside the box was a black case like the one McPackage received. On top of the case was a 3x5 card that read "You have been helpful so far. To destroy J3 and J4, simply open the vials and let the samples disperse in an open area. I have also included some reading that you may find hits close to home. WD"

Inside the black case was a new copy of “This Side of Paradise” by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The UPC code is 9-780671-535551 (in case anyone wants to know.) Underneath the book, strapped into blue eggshell foam were two clear plastic vials with white caps, labled J3 and J4.

The samples have been destroyed, as instructed, evidence posted here.

Several pages of the book were dog eared and marked up as follows
Page 17
Midway down the page, the word the first four letters of the word “noticed” (noti) had a rectangle drawn around them in blue ballpoint ink. In the right hand margin of the same page the following number sequence was written in blue ball point ink:
7(-11) 3(+1) 4 2 6(-9) 2(+1) 4 6 3 1 2 1 2 5 1 1(+1) 1(+1)

Page 43
midway down the page, "12 University Place" was highlighted in blue marker. Written at the bottom of the page in blue ballpoint ink was:

Page 245
Approximately 1/3 down the page the question "Do you mind if I drop the Don?” was highlighted with blue marker.

Pages 284/285
In addition to being dog eared, these two pages were divided by a 3x5 card “bookmark”

with these letters written in black felt tip pen:
h y d y m y z h a m e k i z r b y d y w r a h a a t l l w
m i g n s e h n k o v l l z r w c v w f l s q b h f s f k
g z a l b m n c x b g k n f u t f y f

At the bottom of page 284 and the top of 285, the following text was highlighted in yellow marker: "He was ashamed of the fact that very simple and honest people usually distrusted him; that he had been cruel, often, to those who had sunk their personalities in him--several girls, and a man here and there through college, that he had been an evil influence on; people who had followed him here and there into mental adventures from which he alone rebounded unscathed.
Usually, on nights like this, for there had been many lately, he could escape from this consuming introspection by thinking of children and the infinite possibilities of children”

I have photographed everything in excrutiating detail