Does Bree Trust Jonas?

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Does Bree Trust Jonas?

Post by nobackspacebutton »

In the most recent GODLY video....Jonas appeared to be 'out of the loop' on what Bree's plan was. Obviously, Bree knew that Tachyon and Brother would be coming in---but did Jonas?

And if he didn't know, are we supposed to assume that Bree did not trust Jonas, and has not trusted him since the beginning? If so, why?
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by colbertnationgirl »

maybe tachyon confirmed to bree that jonas was working with the order?
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

colbertnationgirl wrote:maybe tachyon confirmed to bree that jonas was working with the order?
Then that would confirm theories that Jonas IS in fact EVIL.

But perhaps Bree just CHOSE not to trust him, because he would give everything away?
What ever happened to that girl BA?

BA Tells Lies.

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Post by colbertnationgirl »

that too, he doesn't seem like the best liar.
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by Christie91 »

This is a very good theory. But lets not jump to conclusions.

If you where in the same situation would you know what was happening? And if you where Bree would you have told Jonas and risked him ruining the plot by acting too soon.

This will have all come as a shock to Jonas as he was only expecting a clean swap of Bree for Daniel so we can't really blame him for being a bit clueless
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Post by cosmicdancer »

What I don't get is why Jonas even asked if they could trust Brother in the video as they were running away. I mean, weighing their options and all...

I don't exactly think Jonas is with the Order at this point, but I definitely think there's something hidden there.

He could just be really out of the loop with all this stuff.
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Post by Christie91 »

cosmicdancer wrote:What I don't get is why Jonas even asked if they could trust Brother in the video as they were running away. I mean, weighing their options and all...

I don't exactly think Jonas is with the Order at this point, but I definitely think there's something hidden there.

He could just be really out of the loop with all this stuff.
I don't think hes watched the Tachyon and Brother vids. I guess hes just paranoid with the situation that they're in and he doesn't want to end up walking into another trap
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Post by cosmicdancer »

Yeah but I mean, considering the two options they had in that specific situation. Its either a) the option to possibly escape via Brother, even if he doesn't know them or b) the order.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

Christie91 wrote:
cosmicdancer wrote:What I don't get is why Jonas even asked if they could trust Brother in the video as they were running away. I mean, weighing their options and all...

I don't exactly think Jonas is with the Order at this point, but I definitely think there's something hidden there.

He could just be really out of the loop with all this stuff.
I don't think hes watched the Tachyon and Brother vids. I guess hes just paranoid with the situation that they're in and he doesn't want to end up walking into another trap
Yes he did!@ He was the one who pointed out the Gemma stuff wasn;t he? :?
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Post by colbertnationgirl »

ya he did.
That was the weirdest display of geekdom that I have ever seen in my entire life.
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Post by Christie91 »

Ye your right actually, I never thought about that. :oops:
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Post by Magesa »

I don't know... I've always thought he was good... but I thought Gemma was good too...

He just seems pretty paranoid right now.

It doesn't make a lot of sense.
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Post by Christie91 »

I think everybody in that situation would be paranoid
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Just to wrap things up, Bree answered this question in her video:
Tachyon contacted me after that OpAphid video went out with Daniel in it. Together we came up with this plan to fake out the Order. That's why I was spouting all that crazy talk of doing the ceremony. I was so nervous that I'd mess up, but I didn't.

She is saying there that she was pretending she was going to do the ceremony..and she didn't tell anyone about it because she thought she would mess up then. ;)
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by emerrs11 »

Jonas had to know... (if you are talking about the human ransom video) he is the one that drove to LAX with Bree to pick-up Tachyon
"We're being chased by security!" ~Jonas.
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