No surprise at Daniel's altered state

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No surprise at Daniel's altered state

Post by Kimmy »

The videos of Daniel drunk (with suitable anti-drinking message from Jonas) now make greater sense. We know he's susceptible to persuasion when loaded, he drinks when he's hurtin', and he's not to particular about his partying friends. Once he's high he's gone. After all these clues it doesn't seem surprising at all to see the video of him acting out with Op. The sentences are disordered, the syntax is fractured, the language he uses when addressing Bree sounds like the drunk musing of someone with too much hip hop on the brain, but we can't be that surprised when we've been shown his prior behavior around mood altering substances. (And it's not like the creators are going to show him toking on this show, or taking his mother's painkillers, all they can do is show him drinking which is still, considering all the side affects, strangely legal.) He's one of the suceptible, and when he's on something, (who knows what) it's all beautiful, baby.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

Also, another theory..maybe he was never drunk...

Maybe Random Girl was part of the Order...and actually helped begin to brainwash him @.@

Nah, not possible. Nevermind, good post. :)
What ever happened to that girl BA?

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Post by HoorayForMeImMakingOut »

I'm totally gonna be called a noob for asking this.. buttttt, who is this Random Girl that I keep hearing about?
Who is it tonight, Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?

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Post by nobackspacebutton »

HoorayForMeImMakingOut wrote:I'm totally gonna be called a noob for asking this.. buttttt, who is this Random Girl that I keep hearing about?

That was when McPhee gueststarred! lol. It was that video where bree and jonas and the randomgirl are all playing cards...daniel was too drunk to drive home so jonas had to pick him up..that one! =P
What ever happened to that girl BA?

BA Tells Lies.

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Post by HoorayForMeImMakingOut »

OHHH you guys call her Random Girl?? LOL I didnt know that.
Who is it tonight, Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?

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Post by Beckers »

haha...well she was pretty random :P

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