The Creators have mentioned several times that they're working on a DVD. I'm hoping the Creators will give us a little peak or insight on what will be included.
So I have some questions and suggestions, feel free to add your own

-- How are you deciding which videos will be included? That is, TV show DVDs will have one season on each, but this show doesn't go by season. Will it just be up to the video last made when the DVD was produced?
-- Commentary. Will this be included? I think we'd all LOVE that. One from the cast, one from the crew. I guess it'd be hard, since they're only 2 minutes. But maybe you could include like an anecdote from that particular video or a little hint on what clues or foreshadowing were placed in it.
-- Will OpAphid be a part of it? How much? I'm hoping the videos at least will be in there.
-- Behind the scenes/Interviews. Even though you're probably just doing this yourself it'd be cool if you could have some of this.
-- I don't want to rush you at all, I know you guys have so much on your plate right now D:. But out of curiosity, when do you expect it to be done?
I'm really excited for it. Even if all it is is a collection of the vids I'm still totally buying it.
Love you!