A Random Thought

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A Random Thought

Post by kristin »

I don't really fault Daniel for drinking, after the things Bree said.

But it did make me think, since even when he lived at home, his parents basically neglected him, were never shown on camera or interacting with him, and probably haven't worried at all that he's gone -- maybe one or both of them has a drinking problem, and so he's used to seeing people turn to alcohol when life gets tough?

Just a idea.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

Just an awesome idea! Dispells tha whole "Daniels Parents are in the Order too" thing a little bit more...

Man.. Why is it "Everyone" is in the order? :roll:

I REALLY like this idea... It would also account for his lack of social understanding in romatic situations if his parents had any drunken and abusive moments in front of him growing up too!
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Post by kristin »

Aside from the fact that they were distant and neglected him, he's really divulged very little. Maybe there were other reasons why he was so unhesitant to flee his house and go on the run with Bree, besides his obvious crush -- his home life could have sucked too, in a completely different way. He's a bit socially inept in romantic situations, as you said, maybe even kind of an enabler -- instead of trying to let Bree muddle through on her own and get over her dad's death, he's in there trying to fix it all and imitating her behavior with the stuffed animals.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

He also has a way of drawing Jonas in... It's like he knows Jonas is a "Fixer" of sorts and he knows how to bait him in...

I work with teens... Baiting for attention is a HUGE symptom of a broken home...
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Post by kristin »

I'm glad my idea doesn't seem completely bogus then :D

I've had relatives, including one now estranged parent, who have had obvious drinking problems, and I've always been cautioned not to start going overboard because having a close family member with alcoholism increases my odds of developing a problem with substance abuse, so that's really what got me thinking.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

Well ALL of my imediate family have been junkies at one point in time but me! Dad, Mom and 2 Sisters!

So I knwo what you mean...

But there is a thing called "The Resiliant Self" and I subscribe to that idea... :D
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Post by kristin »

I think there's definitely something to the idea of alcoholism or abuse of Daniel or each other when it comes to his parents.

He's also kind of a glutton for punishment, the way he sticks around and comes back for more when Bree treats him badly. Its probably part of the reason he's bonded with Jonas: he's the only one who's nice to him.

Also, do we know if they're divorced or together? I think he referred to them collectively as "parents" and not just mom or dad or a stepparent even, but that doesn't have to mean the biological parents live together.

And when Bree was crashing there, I don't think she mentioned his parents at all - I went back and checked the transcripts from some of those episodes, and I'm pretty sure about it. You'd think mom or dad would have made an appearance, even off-screen, though Bree may not have noted it on camera. But I know when I have a friend, especially a potential significant other over, mom's hovering over me offering snacks and stuff every five minutes.

Daniel, too, seems to lack respect for male elders -- he had reason to be IRRITATED with Bree's dad for getting in the way of their plans, but even before he knew much about the Order, he really went off on him during his vids pretty badly. Maybe this reflects a lack of respect and love in his own home, or he assumes all parents are as crappy as his and dismisses the notion that it might have just been an overprotective gesture, seeing as Bree had never dated before.
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Post by itsreallyreal »


This, for some reason, makes me think of the "private" convo Bree's dad and Daniel had...
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Post by EternalGoddess »

Those are some good idea's that make a lot of sense. But I do think the should have been mor econsiderate given the situation they're in. He doesn't know if the Order followed him and had a plant in that place. I Just think he should have been more responcible.
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Post by nobackspacebutton »

I agree with EternalGoddess. Going out and getting drunk was not the solution, and is never the solution to any problem. He could have put them all in danger.
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Post by itsreallyreal »

Well consideration is not D-B's strong suit is it? L:eaving and not telling his parents... NO CONCERN AT ALL that the order may be after his parents or be able to do harm to them...

I just think Daniel is a VERY lost soul... :(
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