What CT thinks...

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What CT thinks...

Post by CriticalThinking »

Okay. This is what I think.

I think that all of the children- which were probably all girls- in the Order's commune were chosen to be brought up for the ceremony. But of course, as we learned in the last video, most of them don't end up "right" for the ceremony. Which brings up the question, what happens to the leftovers? They can't possibly just be released into the world, since they have grown up in such controlled environments, and they're carrying so many secrets.

I think they get brought up to be agents for the Order. They are probably less informed than the other agents.

I think that's what happened to Gemma.

I also don't think Gemma's really "evil". I just think she was brought up to work for the Order, doesn't really know what the Order's purpose is, she's just doing what they tell her. Which would explain her hanging around Lucy.

And I guess Gemma may have gotten a bit curious and started watching other vids besides B & D's, and that's maybe she got a little confused. This could be why she sometimes sent out mixed messages.
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Post by Languorous Lass »

If Gemma is assassinating people for the Order, I find the argument that "she's not really evil" hard to swallow.

No matter how confused someone is, Gemma's actions -- at least as described by Tachyon -- are beyond the pale.
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Post by ex mechanic »

Languorous Lass wrote:If Gemma is assassinating people for the Order, I find the argument that "she's not really evil" hard to swallow.

No matter how confused someone is, Gemma's actions -- at least as described by Tachyon -- are beyond the pale.
An assassination attempt does not an assassination make. I think Gemma's been a double agent inside the Order for a while, and she tipped Brother off, allowing him to escape. Tach & Co. want very badly for us to believe that Gemma was a traitor and has been executed, which tells me that it's not true.

If the D in aphid stands for Deceive, then Gemma's "execution" was actually the opposition bringing her in from the cold. The timer that would set off the alarm is a symbol for the Order becoming suspicious of her, and Tach's comment "We could actually set the building on fire" is a little dig at Brother for letting things get a little too loud and messy in London. "Hit any key to fire" is his self-deprecating admission that he's about as competent with weapons as he is with computers.

I think Gemma was being sincere when she warned Bree about the Watchers, but the Order discovered what she was doing, and a few Watchers had a little talk with her. That's when she started giving Bree contradictory advice, telling her to go home. The broken red rose in "Bad Decisions" is a warning to Bree, telling her not to believe what Gemma's saying.

Bree knows more than she's telling about the Order, btw. In "Survival Skills" she talks about using codes in an emergency, and seconds later mentions Op Aphid. This is a way to tell Gemma to use a symbol to warn Bree if Op or her minions get to her.
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Post by alex »

Languorous Lass wrote:If Gemma is assassinating people for the Order, I find the argument that "she's not really evil" hard to swallow.
yeahhhh it's just not possible for her to be clueless considering what she does for the order.
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Re: What CT thinks...

Post by lookinginonyou »

CriticalThinking wrote:They can't possibly just be released into the world, since they have grown up in such controlled environments, and they're carrying so many secrets.
Bree didn't find out about this stuff until she defied the Order, so we can probably assume that the others also don't know any secrets. Some people can adjust fine from controlled environments to the "real" world.
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Re: What CT thinks...

Post by nobackspacebutton »

lookinginonyou wrote:
CriticalThinking wrote:They can't possibly just be released into the world, since they have grown up in such controlled environments, and they're carrying so many secrets.
Bree didn't find out about this stuff until she defied the Order, so we can probably assume that the others also don't know any secrets. Some people can adjust fine from controlled environments to the "real" world.

Definately. I'm sure these girls didn't know anything about the Order, just like Bree. Some of them might never of even known they were chosen.

But that is a good question...what does happen to the girls that don't make it through?
What ever happened to that girl BA?

BA Tells Lies.

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Post by Killthesmiley »

i do agree with some of the comments. THe girls difinately don't know THAT many secrets as Bree is jsut discovering the truth now.
But, I definately do think that they train them to be helpful to the order in another way. I think the evidence that Gemma was being trained/reared to be a candidate for the ceremony in one of he videos. She talks to Bree about how lucky she is to be choosen to be in the ceremony in almost an envious way. It seems like she is jealous. I think that Gemma, when becoming a more important agent to the Order and OpAphid, she found out more of what they do to achive the proper girl, thus feeling jealous of Bree's apparent "perfection" in their religions eyes.

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