Character Interaction Chart

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Does this help you understand character interaction

Somewhat could be clearer(will post suggestion)
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Character Interaction Chart

Post by stuart2004 »

OK here is my newest one...... I like it and I find it easier to read.....

Inside circle LG15
Middle circle = ARG
Outside circle = Inactive characters
Any character on a line has had direct interaction with both the ARG and LG15(I.E. Tachyon....Gemma.....)


Let me know what you think
Last edited by stuart2004 on Wed Jan 17, 2007 12:59 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

it's a little unorginized.
Just a better layout is needed, as well as straighter lines.

I suggest 3 columns, or possibly a circle...
But i think this is a good idea. It would be helpful I think to some of the newcomers.
(also remember, we are assuming that OpAphid is a representative of the Order. you have them as seperate catagories. I personally, wouldn't have done so.)

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Post by lonelyelendi »

I agree with Kelly!
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Post by lg15panda »

About the "Random Watchers" -- what's the evidence that they're with OpAphid? As far as I know, they seem to have been associated with The Order.
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Post by Killthesmiley »

"Adventures in Babysitting" is the proof lg15panda. Plus the Order is OpAphid.

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Post by sweetcharade518 »

That reminds me of the chart on the L word!

My only suggestion would be straighter and thicker lines, so it's easier to read. But it is a good idea!
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Post by lg15panda »

Well if the Order is OpAphid, maybe you can simplify things and just have one box that says "The Order (OpAphid)".
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Post by Killthesmiley »

thats what I suggested
teehee, but I think the general agreement is that its a bit messy, jsut clean it up and get rid of the excess box and it will be useful.
THe messier it is the more difficult it is to read and understand.

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Post by iamcool »

it kinda does
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Post by Sarah of the Dead »

You don't need the box that says "friends", do you?
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Post by lg15panda »

If we want to instead say that OpAphid is a person, then it makes sense to leave her as her own box. But then we need to clarify certain things:

1) "The Order" is the organization that OpAphid (the person) belongs to?
2) Gemma is "directly connected" to OpAphid (the person), where the proof is in the "Gemma III" vid?
3) Gemma is "possibly connected" or "directly connected" to the Order?

Also where the hell is Lucy?
- Lucy would be "directly connected" to the Order?
- Lucy is "possibly connected" to OpAphid (the person)? (though there's no solid proof of this)
- Lucy was directly connected to Bree
- Lucy was directly connected to Bree's father/mother
- Lucy is "possibly connected" to random watchers/deacons?

I think that this map will probably be too confusing.
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Post by diastres »

Just a quick note:

The normal capitalization of "WarpyLOL" is warpylol.

However, in Tach's letter to Brother is was "War Pylol" (A name?) and it was "WarPylol" when it was a password.
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Post by JustAnotherLonelyGirl. »

Thank you for this! It's a good idea.
I just would suggest some straighter lines and better organization, like Kelly said.
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Post by alex »

that shows mr. bree has interacted with all of bree's friends, but there's no saying for sure that he's ever interacted with jonas. jonas just saw him a few times, as far as the videos show.
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Post by stuart2004 »

I love all the comments and I promise to correct it and use the ideas given....forgive me this is only the second draft and I wanted some input on it..........

Killthesmiley wrote:(also remember, we are assuming that OpAphid is a representative of the Order. you have them as seperate catagories. I personally, wouldn't have done so.)
the reason I put Op and the Order as seperate entities is because from what I can glean Op is some kind of supervisor of the order (not the head ) and she may only lead a portion of the order......I felt like until we could get some clarification as to how important she is in the order then we should seperate them out.....

alex wrote:that shows mr. bree has interacted with all of bree's friends, but there's no saying for sure that he's ever interacted with jonas. jonas just saw him a few times, as far as the videos show.
thanks for catching this I meant for it to connect to just daniel but I screwed up.....

OK so as I correct it I will post newer versions and I hope it will be more easily read ....until then HHHOOOOLLLLLLAAAAAAAAA
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