Inside circle LG15
Middle circle = ARG
Outside circle = Inactive characters
Any character on a line has had direct interaction with both the ARG and LG15(I.E. Tachyon....Gemma.....)

Let me know what you think
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the reason I put Op and the Order as seperate entities is because from what I can glean Op is some kind of supervisor of the order (not the head ) and she may only lead a portion of the order......I felt like until we could get some clarification as to how important she is in the order then we should seperate them out.....Killthesmiley wrote:(also remember, we are assuming that OpAphid is a representative of the Order. you have them as seperate catagories. I personally, wouldn't have done so.)
thanks for catching this I meant for it to connect to just daniel but I screwed up.....alex wrote:that shows mr. bree has interacted with all of bree's friends, but there's no saying for sure that he's ever interacted with jonas. jonas just saw him a few times, as far as the videos show.