Sister - [puzzle] Pass this on...

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Sister - [puzzle] Pass this on...

Post by riley »

Please pass this on to Sister. My position can't be compromised by communicating in the usual way, and I must get this message to her. Are you in contact with Sister? Will you make sure she gets the message?

I've already given you all of the clues I could.
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Post by Chartreuse »

O.0 Are you the riley?

Post by tannhaus »

This is the translation:
Trust is the issue. Credo tells you this. Please understand what I am trying to do. You must trust me because I can't trust you.

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Post by Broken Kid »

tannhaus wrote:This is the translation:
Trust is the issue. Credo tells you this. Please understand what I am trying to do. You must trust me because I can't trust you.

That's probably which sends you here: Image
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Post by Chartreuse »

Write it all out. Hmm, write what out?

I can see that Riley has a new video but youtube's being weird and not letting me actually see it.

I'm quite baffled by the a: #### thing. Maybe the video will clear it up?
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Post by iamcool »

i like autumnriley, is the L she mentions lucy?

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Post by autumneternal »

iamcool wrote:i like autumnriley, is the L she mentions lucy?

If I'm not mistaken, L is Sister's first initial, which she is sometimes referred to. She's also signed letters to friends and family with 'LW'.

I don't know who 'E' is though, must have slipped my mind.
Jonas is no Bruce Wayne, but he is a mild-mannered millionare with a secret identity.
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Post by Chartreuse »

L - Sister
M - Antoinette (Marie, I think?)
R - Riley
W - Wollfe (Sister's Grandfather)
S - Simon

I don't recall hearing about an E.

Edit - just saw the latest video and now I see where the "E" comes from at least. I don't know who it is, though, still.

Title: The Search for Veritas
Veritas = Truth

Kind of like how she says she's siding with truth, in the video? Hmm.

Edit again -
This video uses the same song. "Daniel Crossed the Line." That's one of the ones I had gone back and re-watched within the past week or so, and after watching Riley's video, it was bugging me because I know I'd heard it before. Is this significant? At all?
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