This may be way out there and I have no evidence for this assumption...after all I could just be watching Dexter one to many times...but any thoughts of the two of them being related? Possibly brother and sister?
I don’t think he’s given his age yet, and to me he seems a bit older than Bree. His parents disappeared when he was young and he has no other family (aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents) to speak of. Any chance Bree’s parents are his parents?
My plays: Random Incoherence
'vote 'mute in '08!
Diane's adopted son
<marlasinger> i'll rape you!
<marlasinger> i mean
<marlasinger> damnit marla be smooth
Jonas is 19, or so it lists as his age on his YouTube profile.
His parents disappeared 6 yrs ago, when he was 13. He apparently grew up in California, and was raised by a Nanny both before and after his parents disappeared, until he turned 18 and she retired.
Bree (according to "Mysteries of my Past...REVEALED!") was born in the states, moved to a NZ commune at age 8 (she's 17 now, so that's about 9 yrs ago), visited Australia at 10 when she was living in NZ(7 yrs ago) and moved to Nottinghamshire, England when she was 12 (5 yrs ago).
So even the most basic logistics of it don't work, especially since she has been homeschooled her entire life so her parents would have to be around rather than spawning another child in California and disappearing at sea while still livin in NZ.
Unless at birth they were both seperated and taken to live with different families in the order.
Brees parents aren't actually her parents.
Jonas' parents that disappeared weren't really his parents.
Maybe Jonas is the lost child of Anchor Cove. Perhaps his 'parents' didn't 'subscribe' to the orders way of thinking and didn't train him like 'bree's parents' trained her...then the order took care of them by making them disappear...leaving Jonas 'lost at sea' alone in life.
They could be brother and sister, and not even know it. That might make sense as to why she doesn't take to him very well...and I've said it from the beginning that they are both very beautiful people, but they seem more like brother and sister...and I wouldn't like seeing them together. Besides, Bree likes dorky Daniel more than boxing hottie Jonas.
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
I find this topic quite interesting, though I haven't really formulated any kind of hypothisis or theory on this... Though reading the messages, here, it just doesn't add up. Too many facts just do not fit together for it to work...
Unless it is as BA has said and one or both of them (Bree and Jonas) have parents that were not their birth parents.
kageyuki wrote:I find this topic quite interesting, though I haven't really formulated any kind of hypothisis or theory on this... Though reading the messages, here, it just doesn't add up. Too many facts just do not fit together for it to work...
Unless it is as BA has said and one or both of them (Bree and Jonas) have parents that were not their birth parents.
I'm not exactly sure that Jonas and Bree are indeed related, but I am very suspicious of the idea that Bree's parents are not her real parents. That doesn't fit for me at all.
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
It would be rather interesting if Bree and Jonas are actually related, and would really be news if it were found that they are brother and sister... Kinda reminds me of the whole Luke and Leia thing in Star Wars...
nobackspacebutton wrote:...Unless at birth they were both seperated and taken to live with different families in the order...
Perhaps people in the Order have known Bree was "the chosen one" since birth.
Thats what I've been thinking. I think her whole life, Bree has been in training, without even knowing it. It was just until she got to a specific age that she needed to do the shots and the weight training. And something that just caught my attention...if her dad was into medical study...why didn't he know what he was injecting his daughter with?
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
nobackspacebutton wrote:...why didn't he know what he was injecting his daughter with?...
Perhaps he did know, but as her "non-father," he had a mission to complete. Perhaps the parents were "playing along" when they supported her decision to drop out of the ceremony. Or perhaps they had grown to love her.
nobackspacebutton wrote:...why didn't he know what he was injecting his daughter with?...
Perhaps he did know, but as her "non-father," he had a mission to complete. Perhaps the parents were "playing along" when they supported her decision to drop out of the ceremony. Or perhaps they had grown to love her.
I dunno, just some fun speculation.
Maybe her parents talked to the order about Bree choosing (free will element) not to do the ceremony.
And because she didn't want to do it, her "parents" failed their they were taken away to recieve punishment.
What ever happened to that girl BA?
BA Tells Lies.
Some things are secret for a reason.
There are people whose lives are dedicated to keeping them that way.
Good point. They must not have done their jobs in raising her well enough. And what with the rebellion, sneaking out and videoblogs, they certainly failed to be "orderly" parents and child-rearers.
I hope you realize that I suck.::The finest satire is that in which ridicule is combined with so little malice and so much conviction that it even rouses laughter in those who are hit.-Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
What if Bree's "parents" had jonas and dropped him off with some of there friends before they moved and then had Bree.
I read somewhere on the forums that the religion might be woman based of some nature.
Like only a girl could perform the cermony....hence they not needing Jonas....and using Bree.
ANd to support this idea...its a little cold hearted to say the least....take for example the Branch Davidians and David Koresh.
Everyone knows of his alleged marriages to young girls(sometimes as young as 14)...but in the Waco building all of the parenst were there to give consent to their children to marry David Koresh. And also the legal age with parent consent to get married is 14
What does this mean...these people let there young daugthers get married because they believed that David needed to have many wives to spawn 26 children for the end times...
Their belief and faith in him to make this happen would allow for the not so normal parenting of leaving behind a son and then having a daughter to use.
Do we know if Gemma was an only child? I know she is pro-order now...but is any more know of this?
Females are often used in more cermonies and rituals throughtout time....
So im gonna go eat some fruitloops and freak ot for a while....
"You are not a beautiful, unique snowflake... This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time." - Chuck Palahniuk