Youtubereview is starting to review lonelygirl15

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Youtubereview is starting to review lonelygirl15

Post by silvermoon »

Youtubereveiw is starting to review lonelygirl15 from the very first vlog. This site is in blog form, so you can go in and comment and let the reviewer know what you think of the videos. ... osaur.html
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Post by trunbuns »

it's not that much of a review of youtube if they've never heard of THE BIGGEST CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE!!!


although strangely it will be good to see a review that doesn't take all the 'fake' stuff into account

Post by silvermoon »

trunbuns wrote:it's not that much of a review of youtube if they've never heard of THE BIGGEST CHANNEL ON YOUTUBE!!!


although strangely it will be good to see a review that doesn't take all the 'fake' stuff into account
I got the impression that they found someone to reveiw it that it was new to on purpose. If you've already watched all the videos and gotten involved in them, it would be hard to give an impartial review of them.

For me, it will be interesting to watch someone else get drawn into the series!
Languorous Lass
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Post by Languorous Lass »

silvermoon wrote:For me, it will be interesting to watch someone else get drawn into the series!
If she does get drawn in. Apparently not everyone's as obsessed with LG15 as we are. :shock:

Post by silvermoon »

Languorous Lass wrote:
silvermoon wrote:For me, it will be interesting to watch someone else get drawn into the series!
If she does get drawn in. Apparently not everyone's as obsessed with LG15 as we are. :shock:

You're kidding, right? There are people who can watch and...not get involved?

That's just...unnatural. :shock:
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