i am from canada however i already expect ignorant foriegners to group me into the american class....after all if i dont agree with you and or think you're an idiot i must be american right?
i am from canada however i already expect ignorant foriegners to group me into the american class....after all if i dont agree with you and or think you're an idiot i must be american right?
hmmm i cant beleive u admitted to being canadian
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
i am from canada however i already expect ignorant foriegners to group me into the american class....after all if i dont agree with you and or think you're an idiot i must be american right?
hmmm i cant beleive u admitted to being canadian
there are many things i cant believe you do but im polite enough to ignore your sheer utter idiocy and let you do what you do without leaving a comment about it
ohhhmyyygoddd wrote: i am from canada however i already expect ignorant foriegners to group me into the american class....after all if i dont agree with you and or think you're an idiot i must be american right?
hmmm i cant beleive u admitted to being canadian
there are many things i cant believe you do but im polite enough to ignore your sheer utter idiocy and let you do what you do without leaving a comment about it
well feel free to comment on what i say
my name is josh, not iamcool or iam or cool
cooltron5000 is also accepted
My lawyers told me to edit the content of this signature so i didn't get sued
Me and Oobles are 'TWAT's - 'The Worldwide Association of Threadjacking'
iamcool wrote:
hmmm i cant beleive u admitted to being canadian
there are many things i cant believe you do but im polite enough to ignore your sheer utter idiocy and let you do what you do without leaving a comment about it
well feel free to comment on what i say
actually i rather enjoy reading your idiotic statements and completely unintelligent statements as i giggle to myself at your lunacy