<NillaWafers> Ok, Heres the deal. There are two factions here. Opaphid and the bereau. The phone calls mostly consist of someone calling and asking "This is USA Today, what do psychic vampires feed off of? Basically, this guy asked if your'e with his sister once you reply with the right word "energy". Then of course you're confused. and you say I don't know your sister.
<archetype> I was there at the drop and I still have no idea what is going on...
<Xrynaem> Op roxors my soxors
<Caroline021> thx nilla
<archetype> shhhhhhhhhhh
<NillaWafers> I don't care!
<NillaWafers> I'm tired of secrets
<MaxTyrix> OMG NIllA
<The_Shadowed_Sun> lol
<NillaWafers> I'm not on Op's side
* Xrynaem is.
<NillaWafers> why would I keep her secrets
<Xrynaem> I'm in love with her.
* NillaWafers shrugs
<Xrynaem> >:O
<archetype> ok nilla, what else?
<horcruxes> dang
<NillaWafers> The guys who calls, tachyon is his partner
<NillaWafers> and she's been mising
<romy1> Nilla is my N___
<MaxTyrix> tachyon is a guy?
<archetype> sister = partner?
<NillaWafers> he told me that she went off to "camp" and that when they went to pick her up from "camp" she wasnt there
<NillaWafers> and that his mother and father were very worried about her
* silentraven thanks Nilla for finally ending the calls
<NillaWafers> Yes sister and partner
<NillaWafers> Tachyon is a guy
* Caroline021 thinks nilla is awesome and wonders how we were ever supposed to figure this out from the music videos
<romy1> boo you
<The_Shadowed_Sun> man now i dont get to get callede
<romy1> I mean -- Booya
<romy1> totally different
<archetype> ok.. so tachyon is in the Order to try to figure out where the sister is?
<NillaWafers> It's ok, the calls were stopping 11 pst supposedly
<NillaWafers> No
<NillaWafers> Tachyon is the "sister"
<khjqueen> sister?
<NillaWafers> Yes
<NillaWafers> They're usig analogies? Metaphors?
<Caroline021> is this 'mother and father' like organisation
<NillaWafers> Yes
<Caroline021> like people thought from the tach videos?
<NillaWafers> and sister=partner
<archetype> just a little bit ago you said Tachyon is a guy
<NillaWafers> Oh
<NillaWafers> Sorry
<NillaWafers> I ment the
<NillaWafers> guy who called sorry
<NillaWafers> lol

<NillaWafers> Not thinking!
<romy1> ooooh
<romy1> My Nilla
<NillaWafers> I know I'm prolly gonna go to sleep and never wake up for telling you this but whatever
<Caroline021> do you know what the bureau is?
<Noava22> no
* The_Shadowed_Sun bows and thanx and honors Nilla
<Noava22> that has not been disclosed
<CoolestTraveler> Nilla tells lies
<Destrin41016> did anyone fail? the test? im just curious
<Noava22> although aphid probably knows who they are
<NillaWafers> I'm not sure, but I'm under the impression that they are against OP because they think they hurt and brainwash people
<Noava22> i did
* Destrin41016 did
<NillaWafers> which is probably right
<Noava22> with flying colors
<NillaWafers> I faild.
<NillaWafers> e
* Noava22 failed with flying colors
<Destrin41016> wait...just to be sure define failed lol
* NillaWafers failed with flying colors also
<Destrin41016> how would one fail?
<NillaWafers> I failed Op's test
<Destrin41016> revealing info to "brother"
<CoolestTraveler> LIES
<Destrin41016> ?
<romy1> I mean "My Nilla!"
<CoolestTraveler> liar liar liar
<NillaWafers> Basically being to liberal about what you tell Tachy's brother
<romy1> I don't think I ever showed up for Op's test. Fatty-phid
<NillaWafers> LOL
<Destrin41016> meaning?(im in high school and dont really know what liberal means lol...well i do but...nvm just explain please)
* Xrynaem is always being tested.
<NillaWafers> Loose
<The_Shadowed_Sun> im am the the shadow that walks in the day
<Destrin41016> vague?
<NillaWafers> Liberal means loose, not tight, not rigid
<CoolestTraveler> Don't trust Nilla
<The_Shadowed_Sun> I AM THE SHADOWED SUN
<The_Shadowed_Sun> lol
<NillaWafers> Coolest, I'm starting to think you're a shill
<romy1> You are the Crazy that Crazies during the Crazy
<Katz31> Hey guys I just got here, so I'm a little behind, but can you tell us what the test was? or pm me
<The_Shadowed_Sun> lol romy
<NillaWafers> Coolest, I know you loved this little game. But I'm tired of this in corwd, out crowd philosophy
<The_Shadowed_Sun> that too romy
<Destrin41016> so if i told "brother" everything he wanted to know i would have failed correct?
<NillaWafers> Yes
<MaxTyrix> Nilla
<MaxTyrix> could you update Katz?
<romy1> lol
<Destrin41016> woot! i failed
<NillaWafers> Ummmm
* silentraven sets mode: -v The_Shadowed_Sun
<NillaWafers> Hehehe
<Caroline021> totally nilla
<NillaWafers> Did you get a second call?
<MaxTyrix> o_O
<Destrin41016> me?
<khjqueen> So what is all this about "Brother" and "sister" can someone fill me in?
<NillaWafers> Man I'm just gonna make a topic on the froums
<NillaWafers> Yes you
<NillaWafers> They're metaphors for the bereau
<NillaWafers> howveer you spell it
<NillaWafers> the organization againt op
<archetype> So Nilla, after you failed, Op called you back?
<romy1> holy Shit! - You are going to put it on the forum!
<Caroline021> bureau
<Destrin41016> yes but i was typing and didnt hear it...but right after i said in the chat crap i didnt hear what she said and OP sent me a message on YT saying "The jist of the second call is to do what you should have done on the first: KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT, dear boy."
* romy1 is now known as NillaWorshipper
<archetype> destrin haha!
<Caroline021> lol destrin
<archetype> that's awesome!
<Destrin41016> so...i think shes in here siomehweew

<Destrin41016> wow that was horrible spelling...somewhere*
<MaxTyrix> she always is
<horcruxes> TRAV1
<horcruxes> god
<Xrynaem> Op is everywhere.
<archetype> Trav1
<Xrynaem> She sees all.
<horcruxes> how many times do i have to say it
<horcruxes> geez
<horcruxes> i don't wink and blow kisses at trav1 for fun
<Destrin41016> she knew i was a boy and not a man

<NillaWafers> lol
<NillaWafers> Well Op
<Xrynaem> I do other things with Trav1 for fun.
<horcruxes> oh yeah xry
<NillaWafers> You went thrusuch trouble to make me your enemy, and now I am.
* horcruxes gropes Trav1
* horcruxes walks away whistling
<Katz31> did they tell you what kind of organization the bureau is? other than just against op?
<archetype> Nilla, did you notice you have a Worshipper?
* Xrynaem sighs at all this.
<MaxTyrix> ummm... guys
<NillaWafers> Just that this organization is against OP, and that they believe they hurt and brainwash people. And kill people
<NillaWafers> Yay worshipper
<MaxTyrix> Op logged in 18mins ago
* Destrin41016 is still infatuated with the fact that he knows how to do stuff in action form!
* NillaWorshipper awating your command O wise one!
<Katz31> ok thanks nilla
<MaxTyrix> lol @ destrin
<Destrin41016> will the real OP Aphid, please stand up?, please stand up, please stand up...will the realy OP Aphid please stand up?
* NillaWorshipper is now known as Romy1
<Romy1> msg NickServ IDENTIFY schmacks
* Destrin41016 would go on but doesnt know the rest of the song

<tiltingwindward> mmm...you need that /, romy
* silentraven sets mode: +v The_Shadowed_Sun
<Romy1> I didn't do that right
<The_Shadowed_Sun> thank you raven
<horcruxes> lol romy
* archetype thinks that Destrin should actually do actions instead of talking

<horcruxes> schmackkkssss
<The_Shadowed_Sun> lol romy i think we all know ur password now
<archetype> schmacks
<Romy1> that's right - Schmacks
* archetype schmacks Romy
* Destrin41016 (in action form of course) agrees with archetype
<khjqueen> This is probably irrelevant, but I googled St. Vincent's Hight school, the school on Tach's profile that she/he says they attend, and its a catholic school, so...anyway you guys probably already googled it or something
* Romy1 falls to the ground cause I was drunk already
<Xrynaem> I've already looked at that school KHJ
* archetype schmacks Destrin
<Xrynaem> I'll PM you about it
<Caroline021> there doesnt appear to be much there khj
* silentraven sets mode: -v archetype