Am I the only person?

Clues. Theories. Where do you think the story is headed?

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Am I the only person?

Post by Penny »

Am I the only person that thinks it's weird that everyone is disappointed that nothing happened to Bree or Daniel? I mean, yeah I am slightly disappointed that nothing dramatic happened at the ceremony. Even then, it's not like I wanted something bad to happen to Daniel or Bree. Everyone is BOOING the creators for not having Bree abducted then raped repetedly by satan worshippers and afterwards have her sacrificed and then eaten by Danielbeast (who is the secret leader of the satan about a twist). I mean holy crap, what is up with that?

Look, I really think the plot is going somewhere. I feel that there is something much bigger in store that none of us can even imagine. It's all just a matter of time and knowing how to be a little more patient. We all know that Jessica and Yousef signed a year long contract, why in the hell do people think that this story needs to climax now (I know the date from cookie monster had everyone super excited but maybe we got a little overzelous).

In any case, maybe we should all stop peeing our pants over this and just wait.
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Post by Nora Volkova »

It does seem rather ghoulish that people would be disppointed that a gang rape didn't happen, doesn't it? I mean, considerations of fiction aside, I find it a little creepy of people.
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Re: Am I the only person?

Post by Flautapantera »

Penny wrote: I mean, yeah I am slightly disappointed that nothing dramatic happened at the ceremony.
How do we know that nothing bad happened at the ceremony? I'm pretty sure Daniel wouldn't have been chased off if they were just singing hymns or some equivalent of praying. Maybe Bree isn't quite sure what happened herself or is not ready to tell us.
Penny wrote:We all know that Jessica and Yousef signed a year long contract
Actually, last I heard, it was 6 months. :shock:
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Post by Flautapantera »

Nora Volkova wrote:It does seem rather ghoulish that people would be disppointed that a gang rape didn't happen, doesn't it? I mean, considerations of fiction aside, I find it a little creepy of people.
Yeah, I definitely would not be hoping that Bree would be harmed.

It's pretty sad, but I was beginning to be worried for Bree a couple of days before the ceremony. She looked so fatigued.
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Post by prudence »

i definitley agree with this.. i think the creators know what they were doing.. They've made it this far haven't they? Have a little faith in the LG15 team..

Also.. does anyone know if the contract was a 6month contract? or a year?
Just out of curiousity.....
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Post by Flautapantera »

prudence wrote:i definitley agree with this.. i think the creators know what they were doing.. They've made it this far haven't they? Have a little faith in the LG15 team..

Also.. does anyone know if the contract was a 6month contract? or a year?
Just out of curiousity.....
I've always heard 6 months...but I am not 100% sure.
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Post by Broken Kid »

I agree. It's a story, folks. Just because we don't have it right doesn't mean it's not good! :) In fact, I'd rather be wrong. I'm hoping that the buildup was to lead us astray, and the creators were over there laughing into their sleeves and that they have something planned that we haven't seen coming!
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Post by nancymakuhari »

It does seem rather ghoulish that people would be disppointed that a gang rape didn't happen, doesn't it? I mean, considerations of fiction aside, I find it a little creepy of people.
I KNOW! It is down right scary... :cry:
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Post by CriticalThinking »

OMG I KNOW!!! I had hoped that if Bree was gonna get raped or sacrificied, I was hoping that Daniel would be filming it, they would hear someone in the bushes and then the whole flow was ruined, either postponing the ceremony so Daniel had more time to save Bree, or make it so they won't be able to preform the ceremony for another bajagillion years or something. But, I'm not disappointed. I stand by the Creators.
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Post by Penny »

Okay it is good to hear that there are others that are glad that Bree is okay! out for Friar Tuck, he kind of JUMPS out at you.
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Post by lexie »

The creators built 12th Oct to be something sooooooo amazing.

They have the fans, they have genuine people giving their theories and what do they deliver? Shittttttt.

I watched from day one!

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Post by Mirage »

lexie wrote:The creators built 12th Oct to be something sooooooo amazing.

They have the fans, they have genuine people giving their theories and what do they deliver? Shittttttt.

I watched from day one!

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Post by Kelly617 »

I'm glad Bree wasn't raped or killed...but I still feel something bad has happened or is happening to her. She isn't her old bubbly self. She seems really subdued and kind of placid. I'm worried about her. :(

Plus, what happened to Daniel? O_O He needs to get it in gear and snap her out of this funk she's in!
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Post by Mirage »

I definately think it's like Penny said, folks around here got way too overzealous (myself included) and hyped the 12th up to be the OMG AMAZING VIDEO THAT EXPLAINS IT ALL or whatever.

Besides, with all the uproar over the second CiW video, did anyone really think it would be something graphic like a gang rape? Unless it was BARELY hinted at (and maybe even then) would YT or Revver even allow a vid like that to be uploaded? Hell they yank stimulated sex between imaginary cartoon characters. :wink:

(Off topic, love your avatar Kelly! She's so beautiful.)
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Post by theratdiva »

I don't think that anyone wanted to see a whole bunch of blood and gore or some sort of extremely violent act befall the characters of Bree or Daniel. However, for months now, we were lead to believe that 10/12/06 would be the day that the ceremony would occur, and the day that the roof would be blown off of the whole LG15 story.

Contrary to what we were all expecting (and frankly, contrary to any sort of story/book/movie/play that I have ever seen), the "climax" of the story was anything but. Add to this the frustration that many of us feel about CiW leading to a bloody simulation game, and perhaps you'll see why so many of us are unhappy.

A lot of us, no doubt yourself included :-), have invested time and interest into the LG15 story and we were waiting for a big boom, or at the very least an actual cliffhanger... we received neither.

Please don't think that we wanted to see the characters hurt (well, maybe some people did, there's always a few people like that no matter what you're in) it's just that... well, my best analogy would be to pull out Harry Caray, beloved announcer of the Cubs, and the way that he called home runs. Harry would get us all going, screaming, "It could be...! It just might be...! It could be...IT IS!!! HOLY COW!!". LG15 has been like months of the "It could be..." only to end with, "Nope, sorry... no. Not gonna tell you where it went, but no".
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