Yea I agree LG15 is defiantly a new art form and also a new type of media entertainment

. But it still follows a basic story structure of a begining, middle, and end. I believe that you can't have a good story without sticking to a structure. I do think the creators are smart to structure their story in some way. I admit there's a few exceptions, but 99% of stories in the world follow a structure.
The reason that I thought the ceremony was meant to be the climax was because everything in the story was leading up to it. There was a lot of fun moments to keep us entertained, and that's needed, but the points that moved the story forward were all leading to the ceremony. For example:
- -Bree saying her parents wont let her go out because of their religion.
-Bree having a shrine to Crowley and getting mad when Daniel touched it.
-Bree's religion being a problem between her and Daniel.
-Bree giving hints at some weird religion and a ceremony, like the 10/12/06 date in the cookie scores.
-Bree's dad grounding her for sneaking out to a party and living a 'normal' teenage life.
-Lucy preparing Bree for the ceremony.
-And theres a lot more etc.
I thought that the ceremony was going to be some really exciting event where everything comes to a climax, and everyone faces each other, and all the conflict is dealt with. I thought that these things would happen:
- -We finally learn what exactly what the religion is.
-Bree and Daniel deal with the thing between them. And we learn if Bree really likes Daniel.
-Bree faces her parents and sorts out the way she's going to live her life.
-And all the other conflicts would be argued over and sorted out.
But now it does look like the ceremony wasn't the climax

. It looks like the story is going to continue. The actors are under contract or something till the end of the year aren't they? So maybe the story will continue untill then, or even keep on going past the end of the year... It's just that me and a lot of people are disappointed by what happened with the ceremony

PS: Oh I'm going through this in terms of a movie story. Maybe it would be better to analise LG15 in terms of a TV series story?? I admit that I don't watch much TV anymore and I never paid attention to TV structure.
The Last Love Song on This Little Planet.
Thanks for watching as I fall.