We're all pretty sure that "the ceremony" will take place on October 12th. That's true for both the LG15 universe and for the CiW universe. If "the Creators" had planned any serious fan involvement in ARG-type gaming, they would have incorporated it by now. This leads me to question their initial denial of the CiW side-story. I now think that it was their plan all along to incorporate the two stories on the 12th. By denying the CiW phenomenon, but still letting it unfold in parallel with the LG15 storyline, they actually made the entire game that much more interesting.
I'm pretty sure that the denial was a red herring. Once the LG15 story was "found out" to be fiction, the only way "the Creators" could get people involved in actively trying to decode the story was to offer a parallel--but much darker--storyline. I believe that after October 12th, the stories will merge. Such a move would give ARG players and casual fans alike the impression that nothing, in fact, is as it seems. It would leave us to question whether anyone--including the Creators--is in control of the unfolding events. We have all been preparing for this thing to END on the 12th. My guess is that it actually all BEGINS then.
But that's just my 2 cents. I guess we'll all just need to wait and see...