Who is this new girl, and what's happening to shake the foundations of her normal life?

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Post by ghost_of_kenny »

I decided that it was time to write a friendly letter to Clara:
Dear Clara,
My name is Kenny Elendi (Elendi is not my real last name, but it will suffice for the purposes of this communication), and I was one of those who followed the the events leading up to the suspicious murder of Maddison Atkins.

First of all, I would like to apologize for my colleagues. As I have seen, they may have mistreated you. The truth is that they all truly cared about Maddison, and are very protective of her, even after her death. Even I found myself momentarily caught up in the group rage. But then I found the letter that was sent to your adviser. They had no right to do that.

While I can not go back and stop them from sending this message, I can try and mend fences with you. If you need any help at all on this project, feel free to contact me:

My email is [email protected], on IRC my name is KennyE, my AIM address is khalasnikov, and my YouTube account name is KennyElendi.

Any of these will work if you want to contact me. I offer you any of my knowledge of the events leading up to Maddison's murder. Once again, I am sorry for the actions of my peers. Thank you for taking the time to read my email.

~Kenny Elendi
Research Director of the Elendi-Waffle Lonelistic Physics Research Institute (EWLPRI)

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Post by ElizKM86 »

I really think you are being way to nice, but I honestly hope that she responds positively to your message.
Let me take you there....or here.....anywhere is good.....
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