Taylor, do I smell a ship?

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Taylor, do I smell a ship?

Post by whittygirl »

I know that the age difference is an issue, but it seems like you and spence are really hitting it off. :wink:

I'm not sure about him, just be careful I dont want you to end up with all the angst that all your companions have.

But it is way too soon to really say either way. but lemme know whatchu think!
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Post by iampenguin »

Taylor, you are WAY to young to be involved with any one! D< *is your same age, but still...*

Regardless...I guess if you did fall for a guy...You could do worse than Spencer.

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Post by wh_pirate »

What do you mean with the word "ship"?
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Post by New voice of reason »


Maybe whittygirl forgot the "relation" before the "ship";-).

But I also noticed how well you seem to get along... Is there something going on between you two?

I mean, why not - I guess Spence is a nice guy, you are a nice and attractive young lady... The only thing I say is: Enjoy!;-)

Anyway, about Spencer being way too old for her: Sometimes, some ladies mature before their age, and I guess you, Taylor, are definately quite mature for your age. Spence, despite his scientific abilities, on the other hand, seems quite young for his age, so you might fit together very well.

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Post by consideration »

Taylor, you and Spencer seem like great friends. :)
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Post by whittygirl »

I meant "ship" for relationship. It is a slang term I use often when watching tv shows and things.
It just sounds more casual and not as scary as"relationship". lol

ANyways, I actually tend to agree that you are too young to date right now. Have fun getting to know him as a friend and just see where that goes from there.
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Post by marlasinger »

Let's be honest - Spence and Taylor are perfect for each other, and they're both too smart, I think, to mess this up right now with a relationship. You know?

<3 Taylor! Imagine what Sarah would say?? (She thought her friend was too old for you, and Spence is 22!)

hehehehe okay that reaction might be fun. Tell her you did it anyway just to see what she says.

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Post by suze900 »

Marla, you are evil 8) in a good way.
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Post by whittygirl »

Yah, I am way too smart for my own good so I tend to overthink things. So taylor. I guess what I am trying to say is... listen to marla's advise. Me and you are alike and I can tell that you guys would be cute together. but just let the friendship develop naturally over time.
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Post by TOSG »

marlasinger wrote:Let's be honest - Spence and Taylor are perfect for each other, and they're both too smart, I think, to mess this up right now with a relationship. You know?

<3 Taylor! Imagine what Sarah would say?? (She thought her friend was too old for you, and Spence is 22!)

hehehehe okay that reaction might be fun. Tell her you did it anyway just to see what she says.

Haha, Taylor, it would be so twisted if you were dating someone older than your mother's boyfriend. :twisted:
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Post by BrightSilence »

Damn, I hadn't thought of that, WHAHAHA. I'm literally laughing out loud :P
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Post by SivartAlappes »

I have a feeling Spencer would go after any girl who would even talk to him... let's face it, the guy's even more of a nerd than me!
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